Ecology Residency
In the face of global ecological concerns such as climate change, rising sea levels, deforestation, human overpopulation and species extinction, the mission of the Ecology Residency is to provide ecologists, environmental journalists, filmmakers, inventors, educators, architects and others working on the creative edge of these issues time and space to advance their work and amplify their impact. The Ecology Residency aims to foster a supportive environment for independent work and reflection, and to encourage creative problem solving, collaboration and innovation free from the constraints of academic and institutional settings.
One or more Ecology Residents will be selected each year. Special attention will be given to projects that will directly benefit from proximity to the Oregon coast, the Cascade Head Scenic Research Area, the Salmon River Estuary and/or United States Forest Service Experimental Forest lands. Ecology-inspired and interdisciplinary collaborations will also be considered.
No laboratory or other equipment is provided, but scientists are invited to bring their own equipment if it can be accommodated. There is the possibility to partner with the Hatfield Marine Science Center as part of the Oregon State University's Marine Studies Initiative, and to tap into other academic, scientific and research resources in the region.
56605 Sitka Dr
Otis, OR 97368-9509
United States
Residency Program Information
Residency Program Summary
Application Information
Sitka’s studios, the office and library are ADA accessible. We have one cabin that is ADA accessible The cabins and studios are situated on a steep slope that also impacts accessibility at our facility. There is a gravel pathway from the parking lot to the office. We have a courtyard behind and above the office that can be reached via car. This courtyard has ramps off of it with access to two studios and our ADA cabin. Please contact us directly with specific questions or provide information about your needs in your application. Sitka is unable to accommodate residents’ pets. If you require a certified service animal, please disclose this information in your application so that we may accommodate you appropriately.
For residents without access to a car the local grocery store has online ordering and delivery.
We can assist with connecting residents with volunteers to explore the local area together.
For orientation there is lot's of information we tell residents, we can assist with an orientation document with bullet points for residents to take notes on to help with processing all the information.
The office, library and all three studios are accessible for a person with limited mobility. We have one house that is designed for a person with limited mobility..
The campus is situated on a steep hill. Most of the houses have stairs in order to access the living spaces. The laundry room is not accessible without climbing stairs.