Connect, learn, experiment and grow with the people who power artist residencies.
Artist Communities Alliance (ACA) offers virtual exchange and networking opportunities for artist residency staff and people who work in the arts.
All staff of ACA members residencies, organizations, and programs gain access to #ResidenciesConnect. In these robust thematic networking sessions, participants convene in virtual breakout rooms sparked by an opening presentation, rooted in field current hot topics. These sessions provide an opportunity for members to learn from, share with, and build community with peers.
Accessibility: All #ResidenciesConnect are live-captioned. ACA is committed to providing full access to all. Please send accessibility inquiries and requests to ACA Programs Coordinator, Crystal Sasaki, at programs [at] artistcommunities.org.
Questions about #ResidenciesConnect? Please contact programs [at] artistcommunities.org

Upcoming #ResidenciesConnect Sessions
Tomorrow’s Storms: Planning for Climate Change
Wednesday, May 28, 2025, 10am - 12pm PDT / 1pm - 3pm EDT / 7pm - 9pm CET
We’re all grappling with it in different ways: whether we’re having to design hurricane and wildfire plans or reckoning with waste and shifting weather patterns, climate is affecting all of us on the daily. Grab a beverage and join us and other members of the ACA Network for a session focused on tuning and assessing our public strategies, and chat about storytelling as a sector and as individual programs.
Past #ResidenciesConnect Sessions
In the Public Mirror: Organization Branding and Storytelling
Wednesday, March 19, 2025, 1-3pm EST
This #ResidenciesConnect featured Alison Dennis, Executive Director, Sitka Center for Art and Ecology + Zandie Brockett, Curator, West of Here, to discussed public interaction on behalf of our organizations and programs, we have the opportunity to communicate something important about our values, practices, and aspirations. The stories we tell about the work that we do become part of what we can think of as our organization’s “brand.” How is our organization known in the field? How do we want it to be?
Climate, Artist Residencies, & Our Collective Future
Wednesday, October 2, 2024
This #ResidenciesConnect featured: Lisa E. Harris, Interdisciplinary Artist + Ama D Rogan, Managing Director, A Studio in the Woods and discussed questions such as: How do we grapple with the changing climate and environment, as programs that look actively towards the future? What do programs that take a step further into the depths of that question consider in their design? How can we, both as parts of a larger ecosystem of artist residency programs and each as a smaller ecosystem ourselves, weave sustainability and climate awareness into our design?
Serving Artists Around the Globe
Wednesday, March 20, 2024
This #ResidenciesConnect discussion focused on the inclusivity and accessibility of international artist residencies. With a special focus on exploring universal access* within artist residency programs this peer to peer presentation and conversation will delve into strategies, technologies, and systems that can support artists from diverse backgrounds to participate in residency programs around the globe – and strengthen artist residencies to better host them. Presenters included Michael Ano, Deputy Director of Artistic Programs, 18th Street Arts, and Julie Chénot, Executive Director of the Camargo Foundation. The event will also feature an artist presentation from Sara Black, Artist, Mother and Associate Professor of Sculpture at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, and an opportunity for attendees to connect directly through curated breakouts.
*Universal Access is defined as the conditions for easy access that would allow any individual (even those whose mobility, communicative ability, or understanding is reduced) to access and enjoy a place, product, or service, and to do so freely and independently
#ResidenciesConnect NEA
Wednesday, November 29, 2023
This session welcomed Brandon Gryde, Katryna Carter, and Beth Bienvenu from the National Endowment for the Arts to discuss some of the NEA's upcoming opportunities for artist communities and present on the NEA's recently published tool kit that promotes equity, access, and inclusion in the arts.
Performing Arts Residencies
Wednesday, April 26, 2023
This session welcomed Kelly Burdick, Executive Director at SPACE on Ryder Farm, and Sadie Woods, Curatorial + Residency Director at Atlantic Center for the Arts for our first #ResidenciesConnect of the year. This #ResidenciesConnect focused on topics unique to programs that support dance, theater and other performing arts practices. Spotlight Artist devynn emory discussed their practice and end with breakout rooms for deeper discussion and resource exchange.
Meet the Network
Thursday, August 25, 2022
This session allowed member organizations to learn more about peers in the artist residency field and how their models and typologies vary. New and existing programs shared about who they are, what they do and how they do it. Afterwards, residency staff will had time to meet for small group conversations in breakout rooms. This session will provided an opportunity to connect with programs across time zones and contexts and find inspiration for ways to enrich residencies.
Tech Transformation: Utilizing Digital Resources for Your Residency
Thursday, July 28, 2022
In this session, participants discussed all things technology — from artist feedback and site management to donor outreach and scheduling. This session will begin with a share out from a few residency programs followed by breakout sessions for deeper discussion and resource exchange.
Presenters included:
- Jerod Rivers, Conference Director, Folk Alliance International
- Kathryn Banks, Development Director, The Hambidge Center for the Creative Arts & Sciences
- Violet Brooks, Director of Community Engagement, Protohaven
Executive Leadership Network
Thursday, March 24, 2022
During this session, the Executive Leadership of ACA member programs connected and shared with the leadership of other residency programs. This session began with an address from ACA's Executive Director, Lisa Funderburke, and was followed by networking time in breakout rooms.
Residency Affinity Network Groups + Board Announcement
Thursday, October 14, 2021
During this session, staff members of member organizations connected with their peers working in the artist residency network. They dialogued in Zoom breakout rooms organized by context and program type. This session began with an announcement of ACA’s new board slate, and was followed by networking time in breakout rooms.
Residency Affinity Network Groups
Thursday, August 19, 2021
In this session, peers from similar programs or contexts dialogued in Zoom breakout rooms organized by residency program type: seasonal and summer-only programs, rural programs, BIPOC-led programs, dance and performance residencies, and programs embedded in universities, museums, and foundations.
Residency Staff Roles
Thursday, June 17, 2021
In this session, administrators and others who have similar or parallel roles within the artist communities network talked in small group breakouts organized by interests.
Residency Affinity Network Groups
Thursday, April 8, 2021
In this session, peers from similar programs or contexts dialogued in Zoom breakout rooms organized by residency program type: seasonal and summer-only programs, BIPOC-led programs, dance and performance residencies, and programs embedded in universities, museums, and foundations.
Diversity + Leadership Network
Thursday, March 25, 2021
This affinity group was created to build community between Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) and people with disabilities, both in the residency field and the arts at large. This meetup provided an opportunity to check in with colleagues and share resources to boost collective and individual efforts.
Residency Staff Roles
Thursday, February 18, 2021
In this session, peers with similar or parallel roles within the artist communities network, met in small breakout groups organized by roles (chef, studio technician, community engagement, development, communications, etc).
Residency Staff Roles
Thursday, October 22, 2020
In this session, peers with similar or parallel roles within the artist communities network met in small breakout groups organized by roles (chef, studio technician, community engagement, development, communications, etc).
Executive Leadership Meet-Up
Thursday, August 27, 2020
This bi-monthly session is a time for executive leaders of ACA member programs to connect and share ideas. Limited to one staff member (e.g. ED, President, CEO, artistic, or managing director) per organization. Open to staff of ACA member organizations only.
Affinity Group: Diversity + Leadership
Thursday, August 20, 2020
Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) and people with disabilities in the residency field and the arts at large joined this regular discussion that was created with one intention: to build community.
Affinity Group: Seasonal Residency Programs
Thursday, July 23, 2020
This session was an open forum to discuss topics unique to you. Limited to 25 participants.
Mapping your Reopening Plan
Thursday, July 9, 2020
Many programs are developing their plans for reopening following shelter in place orders and uprisings. How do you ensure safety for staff and artists? How will you go about making decisions? How will you show care, internally and externally, about what’s happening in the world?
Executive Leadership Meet-Up
Thursday, June 25, 2020
This bi-monthly session is a time for executive leadership of ACA member programs to connect and share ideas. Limited to one staff member (e.g.ED, President, CEO, artistic, or managing director) per organization. An invitation email with the Zoom link was sent directly to participants.
Communicating Your Brand and Narrative
Thursday, June 18, 2020
Thoughtful communications are crucial. How might you capture and authentically share your organization’s story while acknowledging the social, political, and economic conditions? Guest Speaker: Ruby Lopez Harper, Senior Director of Local Arts Advancement at Americans for the Arts.
Affinity Group: Performing Arts
Thursday, June 11, 2020
This open forum focused on topics unique to residencies that support dance and performance. Guest speakers: DeMarcus Akeem Suggs, Graduate Assistant at NCCAkron (National Center for Choreography at The University of Akron) and Kate Bowen, Executive Director of ACRE.
Affinity Group: Diversity + Leadership
Thursday, June 4, 2020
Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) in the residency field and the arts at large are invited to join this regular discussion, with the one intention: to build community.
Affinity Group: Embedded Programs
Thursday, May 28, 2020
Do you work for a residency that operates within a larger institution? Join your peers in this open forum to discuss topics unique to you.
Executive Leadership Meet-Up
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
A regular meet-up for executive leaders of ACA member programs to connect and share ideas, this session focused on documenting and articulating the impact of COVID-19 on residency programs and local communities.
Translating Programming to a Virtual Space
Thursday, April 30, 2020
In this session, we discussed what residencies should consider when moving to virtual programming. Are you providing barrier-free access? Who are you trying to reach? Residency leaders shared their practices and the process of identifying what programming is best suited for virtual space.
Affinity Group: Meet up for BIPOC* Leaders and Leaders with Disabilities
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) and people with disabilities in the residency field and the arts at large are invited to join this regular discussion, with the one intention to build community.
Affinity Group: Performing Arts
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
An affinity group discussion for residencies supporting dance and performance.
Affinity Group: New to Staff Role
Thursday, April 16, 2020
Leaders who have been in their role for less than a year, discussed how their positions have shifted due to COVID-19 and what building relationships with boards, donors, artists, and colleagues looks like in this context. Guest speakers: Toccarra Thomas, Director at Joan Mitchell Center; Matthew Giddings, Executive Director at Elsewhere; and Joseph Hall, Executive Director of Kelly Strayhorn Theater/The Alloy Studios.
Tech Access: Connectivity, Productivity and Information Exchange
Tuesday, April 14, 2020
This session focused on technology that keeps our teams organized and connected and ensured we have the information we need when we need it. We discussed recognizing challenges, prioritizing needs, and finding the tools to move us forward. Guest speakers: J. Soto, Manager of Programs and Inclusion at Eyebeam, and Tony Grant, Co-Director of the Sustainable Arts Foundation.
Seasonal Residency Programs
Thursday, April 9, 2020
Staff of seasonal (i.e. summer-only) residency programs discussed the impact and implications of session postponements or cancellations due to Covid-19. Participants shared how they are managing the complexity of context, organizational structures, decision-making, and obligations in crafting a dynamic plan forward.
Executive Leadership Meet-Up
Tuesday, April 7, 2020
A regular meet-up for executive leaders of ACA member programs to connect and share ideas, this session addressed adapting and sustaining residency organizations during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.
Prioritizing Staff + Artist Wellbeing
Thursday, April 2, 2020
With organizations in flux and many upcoming residency sessions and programs canceled, how can organizations continue to center staff and artist wellbeing? Guest speaker: Carl Atiya Swenson, Associate Director at Springboard for the Arts.
Fundraising Strategies in Times of Crisis
Tuesday, March 26 + March 31, 2020
This session explored strategies for connecting with current (and future) funders during this uncertain time.
COVID-19: Dynamic Responses + Preparedness
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Continuing threads from our field-wide COVID-19 share-out, this small group discussion compared approaches to the pandemic and offered peer-to-peer support.