Jackman Goldwasser Residency

Visiting Resident Bermet Boruvaeva hosts community meal and food sustainability discussion

Visiting Resident Bermet Boruvaeva hosts community meal and food sustainability discussion

Jackman Goldwasser Residency

Chicago, IL, United States

The Jackman Goldwasser Residency at Hyde Park Art Center connects artists deeply with their own practice in the context of our vibrant, multifaceted community. Each year, our program invites international, national, and Chicago artists and curators to complement their mode of production with increased attention towards reflection, reconnection, and research to spark new ideas and considerations of local and global art practices. By linking practitioners from different communities, the program aims to galvanize an international network of artists, curators, academics, arts administrators, educators, practitioners, and researchers who we invite to consider themselves peers and colleagues participating in a conversation that transcends national, cultural, and political boundaries.


5120 S. Cornell Ave.
Chicago, IL 60615
United States

Year Founded
Residency Structure
Embedded in an arts or cultural organization (including theater + gallery)
Residency Program Type
Studio-based (no housing)
Studio-based (with housing)
Residency Length
1 week - 1 year
Average Number of Artists in Residence at a Time
Collaborative Residency
Visual Arts
Country of Residence
Open to artists based anywhere in the world
Family Friendly
Stage of Career
Any stage of career
Additional Expectations/Opportunities
Participate in public programming
Participate in open studio with fellow residents
How does your residency program support artists?
Opportunity to be in another context
Opportunity to travel
Immersion in new culture and/context
Unstructured time
Research support
Access to studio space to create new work
Access to training on new artistic techniques and/or apprenticeship
Inspiration from cultural context
Professional development support and/or trainings
Opportunities to develop relationships with local or regional artists/arts organizations
Opportunities to collaborate with local or regional artists/arts organizations
Opportunities to collaborate with other artists/residents
Opportunities to develop relationships with other artists/residents
Opportunities for work with the local community
Opportunities to exhibit or perform new work
Additional Eligibility Information

Chicago artists may apply through our annual open call, which opens in July. National and international residents are selected in collaboration with partner institutions

Number of Artists Accepted in Most Current Year
Total Applicant Pool in Most Current Year
Artist Stipend
US Dollar (USD)
Travel Stipend/Material Stipends
US Dollar (USD)
Residency Fees
US Dollar (USD)
Fee Details

Stipends vary based on program duration.

Grant/Scholarship/Other Funding Support
US Dollar (USD)
Application Fee
US Dollar (USD)
Application Type
Open application
What does your program provide during the residency experience?
Communication before arrival to discuss accommodations, medical conditions, or other health needs
Orientation upon arrival
Contact information and available accommodations for programs, events, and campus
Accessible seating
Is your campus wheelchair accessible?
ADA Compliant
No housing accommodations available
How much of the residency experience can artists with limited mobility participate?

The residency experience is fully accessible to artists with limited mobility and the entire building is accessible. 

Please briefly describe the facilities and areas of the campus that are NOT accessible.

The building is fully accessible.

Type of Housing
Private housing off campus (individual apartment/cabin/house)
Accessible Housing
Housing for Companion And/or Caregivers
No housing accommodations available
Accessible Communal Spaces
ADA Compliant
Common/Communal Spaces Information

There are no communal spaces in the residency apartment. It can only house one resident at a time. Communal spaces at the Hyde Park Art Center (a shared kitchen and shared studios) are all fully accessible. 

Additional Housing Information
Access to laundry on campus
WIFI available in housing
Air Conditioned Housing
Heat and Cool control managed by resident
Meals Provided
Some meals (at least 2 meals provided)
Residents have access to private kitchen
Additional Meals Information
Computer/Internet Access
Computer and internet connection provided in common area (shared)
Computer and internet connection provided in studio area (private)
Wireless Internet (WIFI)
Ethernet provided in living or studio area
Studios/Facilities Details

Each resident has access to a private studio with a door and some movable furniture. 

Studios/Special Equipment
Private Studios
Studios/Facilities Accessibility
ADA Compliant
Studio Support/Tech
Studio/facility orientation provided
Air Conditioned