Creative Residency Program

artists sitting on a porch around tables talking, with views of the mountains on a summer day

artists sitting on a porch around tables talking, with views of the mountains on a summer day

artists sitting around a table, raising a toast to the chef's meal in front of them

artists sitting around a table, raising a toast to the chef's meal in front of them

many guests are seated at tables eating a meal and watching a food justice presentation

many guests are seated at tables eating a meal and watching a food justice presentation

potters gathered outside a wood kiln after unloading, discussing the pottery

potters gathered outside a wood kiln after unloading, discussing the pottery

Creative Residency Program

Elizabethtown, NY, United States

Situated on 320 acres of farm and forest bordering the Hurricane Mountain Wilderness area in New York's Adirondack Mountains, Craigardan's creative residencies are open-minded and place-based by design. We welcome all proposals and encourage multi- and interdisciplinary thinking. We support ceramic, literary, visual, and performance artists, as well as farmers, chefs, activists, scholars, and researchers from the region and around the world. We strive to cultivate a dynamic that amplifies each individual’s work and activates collective creativity within the community.

All artists-in-residence receive a scholarship that subsidizes their residency. In addition, Teaching Fellowships are available for all disciplines with the belief that fostering the interaction between artists and the local public is as important as providing sheltered time to artists to further their creative practices.

We provide an intimate program, with up to 10 artists-in-residence at any one time. All residents receive housing; individual studio spaces particular to their discipline; free and open access to all public programs and classes; and a kitchen stocked with seasonal, local and organic ingredients from our farm and partner farms.  


9216 NYS Rt 9N
Elizabethtown, NY 12932
United States

Year Founded
Residency Structure
Residency Program Type
Studio-based (with housing)
Residency Length
2 weeks - 3 months
Average Number of Artists in Residence at a Time
Collaborative Residency
May apply as a team
Art Conservation
Art Education
Art History
Ceramics/Clay Arts/Pottery
Environmental Arts
Installation Arts
Interdisciplinary Arts
Literary Nonfiction
Mixed Media
Multimedia Arts
New Genres
Performance Art
Public Art
Social Practice
Sound Art
Textile & Fiber Arts/Weaving
Urban Planning/Design
Visual Arts
Pets are not allowed
Country of Residence
Open to artists based anywhere in the world
Family Friendly
Residents granted leave during residency
Stage of Career
Any stage of career
Additional Expectations/Opportunities
Participate in public programming
Give artist talk or presentation
Teach in studio
Lead workshop for the public
Lead workshop for fellow residents
Lead a skill share
How does your residency program support artists?
Opportunity to be in another context
Unstructured time
Restricted funding
Access to studio space to create new work
Access to equipment, specialized facilities and/or technical support
Access to training on new artistic techniques and/or apprenticeship
Inspiration from natural environment
Professional development support and/or trainings
Opportunities to develop relationships with local or regional artists/arts organizations
Opportunities to collaborate with local or regional artists/arts organizations
Opportunities to collaborate with other artists/residents
Opportunities to develop relationships with other artists/residents
Opportunities for work with the local community
Opportunities to exhibit or perform new work
Additional Eligibility Information

We support artists and scholars at any stage of their career. 

Craigardan values equality and justice across all human and environmental domains. We highly encourage applications from people of color, indigenous, women, and LGBTQIA+ artists and scholars. 

Number of Artists Accepted in Most Current Year
Total Applicant Pool in Most Current Year
Artist Stipend
US Dollar (USD)
Travel Stipend/Material Stipends
US Dollar (USD)
Residency Fees
US Dollar (USD)
Fee Details

The actual cost of the residency is $1850 per week. If artists wish to pay the full cost of a residency, they will generously provide scholarship funds to help support other artists. 

Grant/Scholarship/Other Funding Support
US Dollar (USD)
Grant/Scholarship/Other Funding Support Details

All accepted applicants are awarded either a $850 or $1350 scholarship per week. With the scholarship, the residency fee is only $1000 or $500 per week respectively. Artists may also apply for one of our competitive fellowships to cover the full cost of the residency.

Application Fee
US Dollar (USD)
Application Type
Open application
What does your program provide during the residency experience?
Manual / handbook before arrival
Communication before arrival to discuss accommodations, medical conditions, or other health needs
Orientation upon arrival
Contact information and available accommodations for programs, events, and campus
Full description of accessibility on campus
Links to resources, effective practices, grievance procedures, etc.
ASL interpretation
High contrast, clear way-finding and/or signage
Staff/volunteer reading information aloud
Staff/volunteer giving directions
Staff/volunteer providing guidance to help locate facilities or activities
Contact info for accessibility requests for event/programming
Is your campus wheelchair accessible?
ADA Compliant
Additional Accessibility Information

We are in the third season on our new, growing, and universally designed campus which opened to our program participants in phases starting in 2023.

Local arrangements coordinated by staff
Accessibility Contact Name
Accessibility Contact Email
Other Services/Aids Offered in Residency + Other Programming


How much of the residency experience can artists with limited mobility participate?

In our current stage of campus construction we are limited in our ability to accommodate artists with mobility challenges. The artist cabins each have a single step entrance, but our main buildings are all on one level. We are located on a hilly site with few flat paths. We anticipate our new, universally designed campus to be completed in phases starting in 2023.

Please briefly describe the facilities and areas of the campus that are NOT accessible.

Much of our 320 acres is currently accessible by hiking on uneven terrain. 

Type of Housing
Private housing on campus (individual apartment/cabin/house)
Accessible Housing
Partially Accessible (50% or more)
Housing for Companion And/or Caregivers
Case by case consideration
Accessible Communal Spaces
ADA Compliant
Common/Communal Spaces Information

Residents share kitchen, living, and bathroom spaces. The kitchen is fully stocked with pantry items and a weekly assortment of local and seasonal ingredients from our farm and partner farms including meats, cheeses, yogurt, milk, vegetables, fruits, and grains. 

Additional Housing Information
Access to laundry on campus
WIFI available in housing
Housekeeping services
Meals Provided
Some meals (at least 2 meals provided)
Groceries provided for residents to prepare their own meals
Residents have access to shared kitchen
Additional Meals Information
Vegan meal options can be requested
Vegetarian meal options can be requested
Gluten-free meal options can be requested
Food allergies and restrictions can be accommodated
Computer/Internet Access
Computer and internet connection provided in common area (shared)
Wireless Internet (WIFI)
Studios/Facilities Details

Fully equipped commercial kitchen for culinary artists-in-residence

Studios/Special Equipment
Private Studios
Dedicated Studio/Shop Technicians - Part Time
Exhibition / Installation Space
Ceramics Workspace
Electric Wheels
Kick Wheels
Slab Roller
Clay Mixers
Plaster Room
Electric Kiln
Gas Kiln
Painting Workspace (Oil)
Woodworking Tools
Studios/Facilities Accessibility
ADA Compliant
Studio Support/Tech
Studio/facility orientation provided
Studio support provided by staff
Additional Studio Information

Our studios are flex spaces for a variety of media and offer a range of equipment. The ceramic and culinary arts programs have highly specialized equipment. Studios can be accessed 24/7.