Anderson Center at Tower View Early Career Artist Residency Program

2022 Anderson Center Emerging Artist-in-Residence Camille Wanliss

2022 Anderson Center Emerging Artist-in-Residence Camille Wanliss

2022 Anderson Center Emerging Artist-in-Residence Rachel Collier

2022 Anderson Center Emerging Artist-in-Residence Rachel Collier

2022 Anderson Center Emerging Artist-in-Residence Isa Reyes

2022 Anderson Center Emerging Artist-in-Residence Isa Reyes

2022 Anderson Center Emerging Artist-in-Residence Lily Jue Sheng

2022 Anderson Center Emerging Artist-in-Residence Lily Jue Sheng

2022 Anderson Center Emerging Artist-in-Residence Azzah Sultan

2022 Anderson Center Emerging Artist-in-Residence Azzah Sultan

Tower View Residence

Tower View Residence

Tower View Residence Living Room

Tower View Residence Living Room

Tower View Residence Second Floor Library

Tower View Residence Second Floor Library

Tower View campus

Tower View campus

2021 Anderson Center Emerging Artist-in-Residence

2021 Anderson Center Emerging Artist-in-Residence

2021 Anderson Center Emerging Artist-in-Residence Khalif Tahir Thompson

2021 Anderson Center Emerging Artist-in-Residence Khalif Tahir Thompson

2021 Anderson Center Emerging Artist-in-Residence Raven Johnson offering an artist talk

2021 Anderson Center Emerging Artist-in-Residence Raven Johnson offering an artist talk

Artists bike on campus and the nearby Cannon Valley Trail

Artists bike on campus and the nearby Cannon Valley Trail

Tower View North Studios - visual arts studiospace

Tower View North Studios - visual arts studiospace

2021 Anderson Center Emerging Artist-in-Residence Benjamin Merritt using the Etching Press in the Printmaking Studio

2021 Anderson Center Emerging Artist-in-Residence Benjamin Merritt using the Etching Press in the Printmaking Studio

Granary Printmaking Studio

Granary Printmaking Studio

Tower View Barn

Tower View Barn

Anderson Center at Tower View Early Career Artist Residency Program

Red Wing, MN, United States

Taking place each September, the Anderson Center’s Early Career Artist Residency is program for early-career artists of any discipline living in Minnesota or one of the five boroughs of New York City in need of focused time and dedicated space in an inspiring residency work environment that empowers them take risks, embrace challenges, and utilize unconventional approaches to problem-solving. Thanks to generous support from the Jerome Foundation, selected early career artists receive an artist stipend, documentation support, art-making resources, lodging & studio space, a travel honorarium, groceries, and chef-prepared communal dinners.

The program is geared toward generative art making, as well as exchange across an interdisciplinary cohort. The program is well suited for vocational early-career artists in pursuit of time, space, and resources to truly commit to a project and explore new creative territories. The Anderson Center seeks to support emerging writers and artists with an uncompromising drive to create new work at Tower View that demonstrates significant potential for cultural and community impact, is technically accomplished, and engages diverse communities. The organization also believes that the environment and resources of Tower View, along with an exchange of ideas between artists working across disciplines, can serve as a catalyst for new inspiration and innovative directions for the work emerging artists create while in residence.


163 Tower View Dr Red Wing
Red Wing, MN 55066
United States

Year Founded
Residency Structure
Embedded in an arts or cultural organization (including theater + gallery)
Embedded in historic site
Residency Program Type
Studio-based (with housing)
Residency Length
4 weeks - 4 weeks
Average Number of Artists in Residence at a Time
Collaborative Residency
Must apply and be accepted individually
Book Arts
Costume/Fashion Design
Environmental Arts
Fine Metals/Jewelry
Glass Arts
Graphic Design
Interdisciplinary Arts
Landscape Architecture
Literary Nonfiction
Mixed Media
Moving Image
Multimedia Arts
Paper Arts
Performance Art
Public Art
Social Practice
Sound Art
Textile & Fiber Arts/Weaving
TV + Radio
Visual Arts
Pets are not allowed
Country of Residence
Only open to artists based in country the program is located
Family Friendly
Stage of Career
Additional Expectations/Opportunities
Participate in public programming
Participate in open studio with fellow residents
Give artist talk or presentation
Lead workshop for the public
How does your residency program support artists?
Opportunity to be in another context
Unstructured time
Unrestricted funding
Access to studio space to create new work
Access to equipment, specialized facilities and/or technical support
Inspiration from natural environment
Opportunities to develop relationships with local or regional artists/arts organizations
Opportunities to collaborate with local or regional artists/arts organizations
Opportunities to collaborate with other artists/residents
Opportunities to develop relationships with other artists/residents
Opportunities for work with the local community
Additional Eligibility Information

The four primary eligibility guidelines for the Anderson Center’s Early Career Artist Residency are:

  1. Legal residency in the State of Minnesota or one of the five boroughs of New York City.
  2. Not enrolled in any degree-granting program from time of application through residency period.
  3. Self-identification as an “early career artist” with 2-10 years of generative experience in the field
  4. An artistic practice centered in generating and creating entirely new work.

Please visit the application form for complete details.

Number of Artists Accepted in Most Current Year
Total Applicant Pool in Most Current Year
Artist Stipend
US Dollar (USD)
Travel Stipend/Material Stipends
US Dollar (USD)
Residency Fees
US Dollar (USD)
Grant/Scholarship/Other Funding Support
US Dollar (USD)
Grant/Scholarship/Other Funding Support Details

450 documentation support

Application Fee
US Dollar (USD)
Application Type
Open application
What does your program provide during the residency experience?
Manual / handbook before arrival
Communication before arrival to discuss accommodations, medical conditions, or other health needs
Orientation upon arrival
Contact information and available accommodations for programs, events, and campus
Captions for videos
Links to resources, effective practices, grievance procedures, etc.
ASL interpretation
Materials in large print
Written and or hard copies of text being presented
Use of colored paper for printed materials
Accessible seating
Staff/volunteer reading information aloud
Staff/volunteer giving directions
Staff/volunteer providing guidance to help locate facilities or activities
Contact info for accessibility requests for event/programming
Is your campus wheelchair accessible?
ADA Compliant
Accessibility Contact Name
Stephanie Rogers
Accessibility Contact Email
Accessibility Contact Phone Number
Type of Housing
Private bedroom in a shared housing facility on campus
Accessible Housing
Partially Accessible (50% or more)
Housing for Companion And/or Caregivers
Case by case consideration
Accessible Communal Spaces
ADA Compliant
Common/Communal Spaces Information


The Tower View Residence, where artists-in-residence stay, features several common/communal spaces, including a living room, formal dining room, eat-in kitchen, screened-in porch, and three libraries.

Additional Housing Information
Access to laundry in housing
WIFI available in housing
Housekeeping services
Air Conditioned Housing
Heat and Cool control managed by resident
Meals Provided
Some meals (at least 2 meals provided)
Groceries provided for residents to prepare their own meals
Residents have access to private kitchen
Additional Meals Information
Vegan meal options can be requested
Vegetarian meal options can be requested
Gluten-free meal options can be requested
Kosher and halal options can be requested
Food allergies and restrictions can be accommodated
Computer/Internet Access
Computer and internet connection provided in common area (shared)
Wireless Internet (WIFI)
Studios/Facilities Details

On-site include visual arts studios, a writing studio atop a 100’ water tower, an open-air metalsmith facility, a dark room, and a print studio (with a Vandercook 219 letterpress and a Charles Brand-like etching press).

Studios/Special Equipment
Private Studios
Shared Studios
Performance/Presentation Facilities
Dance Studio Without Sprung Floor
Darkroom (Black And White)
Darkroom (Color)
Music/Media Studio Non-recording
Painting Workspace (Oil)
Drawing Benches
Printmaking Workspaces
Etching Press
Textiles Workspace
Fiber Arts Workspace
Washer And Dryer
Studios/Facilities Accessibility
ADA Compliant
Studio Support/Tech
Studio/facility orientation provided
Additional Studio Information

The Printmaking Studio can only be made available to artists with experience working with printmaking equipment. A teaching artist for either the etching press or the letterpress provides orientation for the equipment only. /Artists must demonstrate printmaking experience in their application and include information regarding goals for that studio space.

Alaska AIR - Bunnell Street Arts Center Artist in Residence

A green building on a blue sky day with Bunnell's Bouy sculpture in front

A green building on a blue sky day with Bunnell's Bouy sculpture in front

Alaska AIR - Bunnell Street Arts Center Artist in Residence

Homer, AK, United States

Bunnell Street Arts Center's "Alaska AIR" Artist-in-Residency program seeks international, US and Alaska artists looking to create new work and deeply engage Bunnell’s community. 

Bunnell seeks artists to strengthen the social, physical and economic fabric of Homer through the arts by addressing pertinent themes. These may include accessibility, inclusion, decolonization, sustainability, skills sharing and exchange, enhancing community well being, joy, or artistic strategies to build connection within communities. 

Mediums include, but are not limited to, visual, literary and performing arts, social and civic practice, ephemeral art, moving image, movement, music composition and performance. 

Alaska AIR residencies are generally scheduled for one month, October - April. The program provides a $2000 artist stipend, travel, lodging, and studio/gallery space. One to four Alaska AIR residencies are awarded annually, as Bunnell’s funding and scheduling permit.


106 W Bunnell Ave
Suite A
Homer, AK 99603
United States

Year Founded
Residency Structure
Embedded in an arts or cultural organization (including theater + gallery)
Longterm/embedded in neighborhood
Residency Program Type
Studio-based (with housing)
Residency Length
1 week - 2 months
Average Number of Artists in Residence at a Time
Collaborative Residency
May apply as a team
Interdisciplinary Arts
Mixed Media
Visual Arts
Book Arts
Ceramics/Clay Arts/Pottery
Digital Fabrication
Installation Arts
Paper Arts
Textile & Fiber Arts/Weaving
Literary Nonfiction
New Genres
Performance Art
Augmented Reality
Digital Media
Electronic Arts
Moving Image
Multimedia Arts
Sound Art
Virtual Reality
Environmental Arts
Public Art
Social Practice
Urban Planning/Design
Country of Residence
Open to artists based anywhere in the world
Family Friendly
Stage of Career
Any stage of career
Additional Expectations/Opportunities
Donate a work of art
Participate in public programming
Participate in open studio with fellow residents
Give artist talk or presentation
Teach in studio
Lead workshop for the public
Lead a skill share
How does your residency program support artists?
Opportunity to be in another context
Opportunity to travel
Immersion in new culture and/context
Unstructured time
Unrestricted funding
Art production support
Access to studio space to create new work
Access to equipment, specialized facilities and/or technical support
Inspiration from natural environment
Inspiration from cultural context
Professional development support and/or trainings
Opportunities to develop relationships with local or regional artists/arts organizations
Opportunities to collaborate with local or regional artists/arts organizations
Opportunities to collaborate with other artists/residents
Opportunities to develop relationships with other artists/residents
Opportunities for work with the local community
Opportunities to exhibit or perform new work
Additional Eligibility Information

Applications for Bunnell Street Arts Center's Alaska AIR program should include:

  • An artist statement
  • A statement of intent and residency proposal.
  • Preferred months of residency and any special needs.
  • A resume
  • $25 application fee (Needs-based Waivers available)
  • Work samples  

To engage the community and impart a lasting effect, Alaska AIR artists generally provide an artist talk, a workshop or outreach event, and share at work created during the residency in an installation, exhibit, performance, reading, screening or other event upon consultation with Bunnell's Artistic Director.

Number of Artists Accepted in Most Current Year
Total Applicant Pool in Most Current Year
Artist Stipend
US Dollar (USD)
Travel Stipend/Material Stipends
US Dollar (USD)
US Dollar (USD)
Residency Fees
US Dollar (USD)
Grant/Scholarship/Other Funding Support
Application Fee
US Dollar (USD)
Application Type
Open application
What does your program provide during the residency experience?
Manual / handbook before arrival
Communication before arrival to discuss accommodations, medical conditions, or other health needs
Orientation upon arrival
Contact information and available accommodations for programs, events, and campus
Full description of accessibility on campus
Captions for videos
Links to resources, effective practices, grievance procedures, etc.
CART or captioning
Written and or hard copies of text being presented
Use of colored paper for printed materials
Audio description
Accessible seating
Staff/volunteer reading information aloud
Staff/volunteer giving directions
Staff/volunteer providing guidance to help locate facilities or activities
Contact info for accessibility requests for event/programming
Is your campus wheelchair accessible?
Partially Accessible
Additional Accessibility Information

Bunnell Street Arts Center entrances and floorspace meet ADA standards. Bunnell has an appointed ADA/504 accessibility staff person and conducts a 504 self-evaluation annually. Bunnell's website offers alternate ways to visit our galleries and programs, whether through audio talks about visual arts exhibits or alt-text. We continue to make improvements to improve accessibility.

Residents are generally lodged in an apartment upstairs in this historical building. These rooms are not wheelchair accessible. Bunnell would seek equivalent lodging elsewhere in the Old Town neighborhood to accomodate artist accessibility needs. 

Case by case consideration by staff
Accessibility Contact Name
Adele Person
Accessibility Contact Email
Accessibility Contact Phone Number
How much of the residency experience can artists with limited mobility participate?

Residents are generally lodged in an apartment upstairs in this historical building. These rooms are not wheelchair accessible. Bunnell would seek equivalent lodging elsewhere in the Old Town neighborhood to accomodate artist accessibility needs. 

Please briefly describe the facilities and areas of the campus that are NOT accessible.

Bunnell Street Arts Center's gallery space is the main floor of a historic building. Floors and entrances are accessible. The bathroom will be upgraded in January 2023. Lodging upstairs is not accessible by wheelchair. 

Type of Housing
Private housing on campus (individual apartment/cabin/house)
Private housing off campus (individual apartment/cabin/house)
Private bedroom in a shared housing facility on campus
Accessible Housing
ADA Compliant
Partially Accessible (50% or more)
Housing for Companion And/or Caregivers
Case by case consideration
Accessible Communal Spaces
ADA Compliant
Additional Housing Information
Access to laundry in housing
WIFI available in housing
Meals Provided
Some meals (at least 2 meals provided)
Residents have access to shared kitchen
Computer/Internet Access
Computer and internet connection provided in common area (shared)
Computer and internet connection provided in studio area (private)
Wireless Internet (WIFI)
Studios/Facilities Details
  • Studio information: The residency studio is Bunnell’s spacious 1000 sq foot main exhibition gallery, open to the public during regular gallery hours Monday-Saturday.
  • Housing: Private bedroom with private bath in a shared housing facility at the Old Town Bed & Breakfast or elsewhere in Bunnell's Old Town neighborhood.
  • Meals: occasional meals/food provided, shared kitchen; restaurants and grocery stores nearby (walking distance).
  • Computer/internet access: Wireless Internet
  • Studios/special equipment available: piano; sound system (mixer, monitors, mains, mics, cables); light board and theater lights; HD/3D video projector, HD video camera, tripod; nipping press, small printing press; workshop furniture (tables, chairs); reception inventory (tables, chairs, bowls, cutlery, etc). office equipment. Bunnell also draws on its active and engaged community to meet artists' needs for space, equipment, collaboration or other.
  • Bicycle available for use. Occasional use of vehicles may be found
Studios/Special Equipment
Shared Studios
Exhibition / Installation Space
Performance/Presentation Facilities
Darkroom (Black And White)
Darkroom (Color)
Printers + Scanner
Drawing Benches
Printmaking Workspaces
Large Sinks
Textiles Workspace
Fiber Arts Workspace
Washer And Dryer
Studios/Facilities Accessibility
ADA Compliant
Partially Accessible (50% or more)
Studio Support/Tech
Studio/facility orientation provided
Studio support provided by staff
No studio support provided

Wildacres Environmental Artist-in-Residence

Wildacres Environmental Artist-in-Residence

Little Switzerland, NC, United States

The Environmental Artist-in-Residence Program at Wildacres Retreat welcomes artists, scientists and other professionals engaging with ambitious ideas and who are activity-focused on current global environmental issues. Candidates will be chosen for their intellectual and creative rigor as well as activism in their creative practice, with a deep emphasis on our climate crisis and its many permutations for society moving forward.

The intent of the Wildacres EAIR program is to support professional individuals and their creative practices from several disciplines, including all areas of art, social practice, writing, research, environmental restoration, natural science and other environmental and creative disciplines.

Qualified applicants will include artists and scientists who focus on climate change, global warming, the extinction crisis, habitat loss, soil degradation, as well as remedies and human adaptations to these and other pressing climate crisis issues. We are interested in artists who understand the cycles of the natural elements they are investigating and how the dynamics of our warming planet play a role in those cycles. For instance, in the local Blue Ridge Mountains the demise of Hemlock forests through infestation by an introduced insect has unbalanced essential elements of local watersheds.


PO Box 280
Little Switzerland, NC 28749
United States

Year Founded
Residency Structure
Embedded in a non-profit inn and retreat center
Residency Program Type
Studio-based (with housing)
Residency Length
1 week - 2 weeks
Average Number of Artists in Residence at a Time
Collaborative Residency
May apply as a team
Art Conservation
Ceramics/Clay Arts/Pottery
Digital Fabrication
Digital Media
Environmental Arts
Fine Metals/Jewelry
Graphic Design
Industrial Design
Installation Arts
Interdisciplinary Arts
Landscape Architecture
Mixed Media
Paper Arts
Performance Art
Social Practice
Textile & Fiber Arts/Weaving
Urban Planning/Design
Visual Arts
Pets are not allowed
Country of Residence
Open to artists based anywhere in the world
Family Friendly
Stage of Career
Any stage of career
Additional Expectations/Opportunities
How does your residency program support artists?
Opportunity to be in another context
Opportunity to travel
Immersion in new culture and/context
Unstructured time
Access to studio space to create new work
Inspiration from natural environment
Opportunities to develop relationships with local or regional artists/arts organizations
Opportunities to collaborate with local or regional artists/arts organizations
Opportunities to develop relationships with other artists/residents
Opportunities for work with the local community
Additional Eligibility Information

Candidates interested in a Wildacres EAIR residency may apply using our online application.  Applications open each August, and completed forms must be submitted no later than midnight on October 15th to be considered for the next season by our selection committee.  There is a non-refundable processing fee to apply for a Wildacres residency.  Other than that fee, Wildacres does not charge residents for their time with us.

Our Selection Committee is comprised of individuals with experience in environmental sciences and residency selection. We ask that candidates who have been awarded residencies at Wildacres to wait to apply for a subsequent residency for two years.

Number of Artists Accepted in Most Current Year
Total Applicant Pool in Most Current Year
Artist Stipend
US Dollar (USD)
Travel Stipend/Material Stipends
Residency Fees
US Dollar (USD)
Fee Details

There is a non-refundable processing fee to apply for a Wildacres residency.  Other than that fee, Wildacres does not charge residents for their time with us.

Grant/Scholarship/Other Funding Support
US Dollar (USD)
Application Fee
US Dollar (USD)
Application Type
Open application
What does your program provide during the residency experience?
Communication before arrival to discuss accommodations, medical conditions, or other health needs
Orientation upon arrival
Contact information and available accommodations for programs, events, and campus
Full description of accessibility on campus
Staff/volunteer giving directions
Staff/volunteer providing guidance to help locate facilities or activities
Is your campus wheelchair accessible?
ADA Compliant
Accessibility Contact Name
Wendy Burns
Accessibility Contact Email
Accessibility Contact Phone Number
How much of the residency experience can artists with limited mobility participate?

Our campus + facilities are ADA compliant. 

Please briefly describe the facilities and areas of the campus that are NOT accessible.

Our campus + facilities are ADA compliant. 

Type of Housing
Private housing on campus (individual apartment/cabin/house)
Accessible Housing
ADA Compliant
Housing for Companion And/or Caregivers
Accessible Communal Spaces
ADA Compliant
Additional Housing Information
No laundry access
No WIFI in housing
Heat and Cool control managed by resident
Meals Provided
Some meals (at least 2 meals provided)
Additional Meals Information
Vegan meal options can be requested
Vegetarian meal options can be requested
Gluten-free meal options can be requested
Food allergies and restrictions can be accommodated
Computer/Internet Access
Computer and internet connection provided in common area (shared)
Wireless Internet (WIFI)
Studios/Facilities Accessibility
Partially Accessible (50% or more)

Arts Southeast


2301 Bull St
Savannah, GA 31401
United States

Sulfur Studios is a project of ARTS Southeast - an artist founded and artist run nonprofit whose mission is to make Savannah a destination for art and culture in the Southeast by supporting established and emerging artists and engaging a diverse community with creative programming by developing awareness and appreciation of the arts.

Sulfur Studios is home to 26 Artist Studios + Co-working space, our Main Gallery,

Supporter Gallery, the ON::View Artist Residency & The Sulfur Shop

Tag Words
Open to artists based anywhere in the world
Priority given to BIPOC artists (Black, Indigenous and People of Color)
Priority given to LGBTQI2A+ artists
Fully Funded Residency
Communities Served
General Public
Incarcerated (or Formerly Incarcerated) Individuals
Indigenous/Native American Community
LGBTQI2A+ Populations
Migrant and Immigrant Community
People with Disabilities
School Groups
Youth, K-12

Shake Rag Alley Center for the Arts


18 Shake Rag St.
Mineral Point, WI 53565
United States

The mission of Shake Rag Alley Center for the Arts is to provide educational experiences in visual, performing, and literary arts for adults and children; cultivate the creativity that thrives in our rural community of Mineral Point, Wisconsin; and rehabilitate and preserve our historic buildings and rustic campus.

Tag Words
Open to artists based anywhere in the world
Fully Funded Residency
Communities Served
General Public
School Groups
Youth, K-12

Elizabeth Murray Artist Residency by Collar Works

Residents' semi private studios are located in Elizabeth Murray's barn.

Residents' semi private studios are located in Elizabeth Murray's barn.

EMAR is located in rural upstate NY, surrounded by fields and forests.

EMAR is located in rural upstate NY, surrounded by fields and forests.

Elizabeth Murray's studio in the barn.

Elizabeth Murray's studio in the barn.

The Murray-Holman house, where residents live and dine in a communal setting.

The Murray-Holman house, where residents live and dine in a communal setting.

Residents at the first night's welcome dinner with chef Erin Kammerer.

Residents at the first night's welcome dinner with chef Erin Kammerer.

Artist sharing their work during Open Studios.

Artist sharing their work during Open Studios.

In the Kid's Studio Barn during the Family Residency, with Artist and Coordinator Kristy Hughes and Educator Afua Sarfo.

In the Kid's Studio Barn during the Family Residency, with Artist and Coordinator Kristy Hughes and Educator Afua Sarfo.

Elizabeth Murray Artist Residency by Collar Works

Granville, NY, United States

In 2017, the Murray- Holman family partnered with Collar Works to design a summer residency program for visual artists, with unique opportunities for individuals and families. Dedicated to supporting the legacy of Elizabeth Murray, Collar Works believes there is a kindred connection between its mission and what Murray’s story symbolizes to emerging artists, to those who are artists as well as parents, and to individuals who overcome adversity to achieve their vision.

The no-cost to attend, fully supported summer residency program is designed to accommodate 5-7 artists in residence per week, including onsite staff members. Artists are provided 24- hour access to semi-private studios, artist stipends, private bedroom accommodations, and shared bathroom facilities. Daily dinners are prepared by a chef-in-residence and served in a communal atmosphere to foster dialogue between residents. Breakfast and lunches will be provided. Artists will have the time and space to work in their studios to develop new works, with the opportunity to share in conversation with peers, meet with visiting curators (COVID permitting), and engage with the surrounding art communities.



621 River Street
Troy, NY 12208
United States

Year Founded
Residency Structure
Embedded in an arts or cultural organization (including theater + gallery)
Residency Program Type
Studio-based (with housing)
Residency Length
2 weeks - 4 weeks
Average Number of Artists in Residence at a Time
Collaborative Residency
May apply as a team
Interdisciplinary Arts
Mixed Media
Visual Arts
Book Arts
Ceramics/Clay Arts/Pottery
Fine Metals/Jewelry
Installation Arts
Textile & Fiber Arts/Weaving
Literary Nonfiction
New Genres
Performance Art
Digital Media
Electronic Arts
Multimedia Arts
Sound Art
Environmental Arts
Public Art
Social Practice
Art Education
Pets are not allowed
Country of Residence
Open to artists based anywhere in the world
Family Friendly
Spouses/partners allowed for full stay (non-collaborators)
Children allowed for full stay
Stage of Career
Any stage of career
Additional Expectations/Opportunities
Participate in open studio with fellow residents
How does your residency program support artists?
Opportunity to be in another context
Unstructured time
Access to studio space to create new work
Inspiration from natural environment
Inspiration from cultural context
Opportunities to develop relationships with local or regional artists/arts organizations
Opportunities to collaborate with other artists/residents
Opportunities to develop relationships with other artists/residents
Opportunities to exhibit or perform new work
Number of Artists Accepted in Most Current Year
Total Applicant Pool in Most Current Year
Artist Stipend
US Dollar (USD)
Travel Stipend/Material Stipends
US Dollar (USD)
Residency Fees
US Dollar (USD)
Grant/Scholarship/Other Funding Support
US Dollar (USD)
Grant/Scholarship/Other Funding Support Details

Parent Artists receive a $500 artist stipend.

Application Fee
US Dollar (USD)
Application Type
Open application
What does your program provide during the residency experience?
Manual / handbook before arrival
Communication before arrival to discuss accommodations, medical conditions, or other health needs
Orientation upon arrival
Contact information and available accommodations for programs, events, and campus
Full description of accessibility on campus
Staff/volunteer reading information aloud
Staff/volunteer giving directions
Staff/volunteer providing guidance to help locate facilities or activities
Is your campus wheelchair accessible?
Additional Accessibility Information

Our goal is to create a residency program that responds to the critical needs of emerging artists and artists as parents, while striving to build a program that reflects the rich cultural environment of today through an active commitment to diversity, equity, accessibility, and inclusion.

Since its inception, creating an environment that stands out as a safe space for creative risk taking, personal growth, and respite has been a core goal of the Elizabeth Murray Artist Residency.

Elizabeth Murray believed that each person deserves an opportunity to make their art and for their art to be visible on equal platforms. With that in mind our goal is to provide space and access for all, regardless of differences of race, age, color, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, religion, national origin, migratory status, disability/abilities, political affiliation, veteran status and/or socioeconomic background.

Accessibility: The site is an historic barn and house property. It is our long term plan to build accessible studios and living spaces, and make the general property accessible. Unfortunately the property is not currently ADA accessible year-round, but we will work diligently with individuals on a case-by-case basis to best accommodate your needs. Please contact us to discuss your needs.

Accessibility Contact Name
Elizabeth Dubben
Accessibility Contact Email
How much of the residency experience can artists with limited mobility participate?

While the historic house and barn facilities are wheelchair inaccessible, residents with limited mobility can still fully participate. There is one bedroom in the house that is located on the first floor, reducing the stair use. Residents have worked in the house, the porch, grounds, or the first floor of the barn (dependent on medium). The short but unpaved path from the house to the barn can be driven with your vehicle. We will work with individuals on a case-by-case basis to best accommodate your needs.

Please briefly describe the facilities and areas of the campus that are NOT accessible.

The house has four doors for entry, all with stairs leading up to the doorways and porches. The inside of the historic house has small doorways and all bedrooms with the exception of one, are located upstairs.The path to the barn studios is partially unpaved and most entrances to the barn have stairs. The studios in the barn are located in the loft space.

Type of Housing
Private bedroom in a shared housing facility on campus
Accessible Housing
Housing for Companion And/or Caregivers
No housing accommodations available
Accessible Communal Spaces
Common/Communal Spaces Information


  • 5-7 private bedrooms

  • 2 full bathrooms (shared)

  • 2 bedrooms for staff

  • Living Rooms

  • Elizabeth Murray Art Book Library

  • Dining Room

  • Kitchen (Restricted Access)



  • 77-acres of sprawling fields and woods, quiet + serene surroundings

  • Pond

  • In-ground Saltwater Swimming Pool

  • Private bedroom, linens provided

  • Shared bathrooms, towels provided

  • Internet (in the house only) There is a shared computer if needed and Wi-Fi*.

    *There is no cell service on site (there is a land line), and the internet is slow. Basic internet use is manageable, but sometimes it just does not work. Streaming videos or downloading is near impossible.We highly recommend downloading files needed prior to arrival just incase, and better yet, consider this an ‘unplugged’ experience as much as possible. Many artists have commented on how this is the silver lining of the experience, even though we know it can be challenging at times. There is a local library with free internet 12 miles away, as well as cell service in-town (also 12 miles away).

Additional Housing Information
Access to laundry in housing
WIFI available in housing
Meals Provided
All meals
Groceries provided for residents to prepare their own meals
Additional Meals Information
Vegan meal options can be requested
Vegetarian meal options can be requested
Gluten-free meal options can be requested
Food allergies and restrictions can be accommodated
Snack and beverage provided
Computer/Internet Access
Computer and internet connection provided in common area (shared)
Wireless Internet (WIFI)
Ethernet provided in common area
Studios/Facilities Details


  • The Elizabeth Murray Studio – communal shared space for talks, critiques.

  • 6 semi-private studios in upper barn loft overlooking Elizabeth Murray’s studio. Accessed by a staircase, the space includes 6 semi-private studio spaces in a communal atmosphere (approximately 12’x18’ with 3.5 white walls (drywall) for mounting, open doorway with curtain/screen, open ceiling to the cathedral-like barn ceiling, lighting, electricity, 1 table, chair(s), fan, easel. There is NO wireless internet or Air Conditioning in the barn. It is an old barn in a rural setting, and although we try our best to keep the temperature and wildlife at bay, there may be times where bugs, birds, bats, other wildlife are present and we encourage them to relocate outdoors. There also may be times where the studios get a little warm mid-day, and we encourage a pool break or rest. We do our absolute best, but also go by the mottos ‘If at all possible, commune with nature daily’ and ‘Hey, if it was ok for Elizabeth Murray....!!!’

    • Shared sink/ wash-room with shower. No toilet in barn. (short walk to house).

    • For studio maintenance rules, refuse/hazardous materials use and disposal -we will cover this during orientation.

    •Artists are expected to bring all supplies and materials needed for their artwork.


Studios/Special Equipment
Private Studios
Woodworking Tools
Studios/Facilities Accessibility
Studio Support/Tech
Studio/facility orientation provided
Studio support provided by staff

Interlude Artist Residency

Child sitting at a drafting table in front of an open garage door overlooking a green landscape.

Child sitting at a drafting table in front of an open garage door overlooking a green landscape.

A child running up gravel covered steps flanked by garden beds overflowing with flowers and grasses. Behind is a large grey farmhouse with porches and solar panels on the metal roof.

A child running up gravel covered steps flanked by garden beds overflowing with flowers and grasses. Behind is a large grey farmhouse with porches and solar panels on the metal roof.

A scene of a modern art studio with large square paintings on the white walls and a figure looking.

A scene of a modern art studio with large square paintings on the white walls and a figure looking.

Three people standing at the rear of a white gabled studio loft, looking at artwork hung on the walls.

Three people standing at the rear of a white gabled studio loft, looking at artwork hung on the walls.

A figure stands at the open glass french doors of a dark blue studio with the landscape reflected. She is painting at a glass table while facing the outdoors.

A figure stands at the open glass french doors of a dark blue studio with the landscape reflected. She is painting at a glass table while facing the outdoors.

A large bed with white linens in a sun-filled bedroom with trees visible outside.

A large bed with white linens in a sun-filled bedroom with trees visible outside.

A full rainbow arcing over the grassy landscape on Interlude grounds

A full rainbow arcing over the grassy landscape on Interlude grounds

A view of the farmhouse kitchen at Interlude from the breakfast table.

A view of the farmhouse kitchen at Interlude from the breakfast table.

Black and white paintings in progress in the barn studio

Black and white paintings in progress in the barn studio

Artist Alina Tenser making sculptural work in the barn studio

Artist Alina Tenser making sculptural work in the barn studio

A father and son playing basketball behind the studio building.

A father and son playing basketball behind the studio building.

A painter works at a table en plein aire overlooking the green hillside.

A painter works at a table en plein aire overlooking the green hillside.

Interlude Artist Residency

Hudson, NY, United States

Established in 2019 in the Hudson Valley in Livingston, NY, Interlude Artist Residency is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting a flourishing practice for visual artists who are actively parenting. Interlude provides residency stays and professional development tailored to the unique needs of these artists.


171 Old Route 82
Hudson, NY 12534
United States

Year Founded
Residency Structure
Residency Program Type
Studio-based (with housing)
Residency Length
3 weeks - 4 weeks
Average Number of Artists in Residence at a Time
Collaborative Residency
Interdisciplinary Arts
Mixed Media
Visual Arts
Installation Arts
Multimedia Arts
Environmental Arts
Public Art
Social Practice
Pets are not allowed
Family Friendly
Residents granted leave during residency
Spouses/partners allowed for full stay (non-collaborators)
Children allowed for full stay
Childcare stipend provided
Stage of Career
Any stage of career
Additional Expectations/Opportunities
How does your residency program support artists?
Opportunity to be in another context
Immersion in new culture and/context
Unstructured time
Unrestricted funding
Access to studio space to create new work
Inspiration from natural environment
Professional development support and/or trainings
Opportunities to develop relationships with local or regional artists/arts organizations
Opportunities to collaborate with other artists/residents
Opportunities to develop relationships with other artists/residents
Additional Eligibility Information

Our program is designed specifically for artists who are primary caregivers to children under the age of 18. You must be an active caregiver to apply.

Number of Artists Accepted in Most Current Year
Total Applicant Pool in Most Current Year
Artist Stipend
US Dollar (USD)
Travel Stipend/Material Stipends
Residency Fees
US Dollar (USD)
Grant/Scholarship/Other Funding Support
Application Fee
US Dollar (USD)
Application Type
Open application
What does your program provide during the residency experience?
Manual / handbook before arrival
Communication before arrival to discuss accommodations, medical conditions, or other health needs
Orientation upon arrival
Contact information and available accommodations for programs, events, and campus
Full description of accessibility on campus
Captions for videos
Links to resources, effective practices, grievance procedures, etc.
Staff/volunteer reading information aloud
Staff/volunteer giving directions
Staff/volunteer providing guidance to help locate facilities or activities
Contact info for accessibility requests for event/programming
Is your campus wheelchair accessible?
Partially Accessible
Additional Accessibility Information

Interlude is currently located on the site of an old farmhouse near Hudson, NY that was once a grain store for a mill on the nearby creek. It was built onto many times during the years and contains many staircases. It is not ADA compliant.

The grounds of the property are also on two levels most directly navigated by stair. Our main studio spaces are accessible, but at this time we can't easily accommodate artists with mobility issues. We hope to work to resolve this lack of accessibility in the near future.

Housing available on campus
Accessibility Contact Name
Elsie Kagan
Accessibility Contact Email
Accessibility Contact Phone Number
Other Services/Aids Offered in Residency + Other Programming


How much of the residency experience can artists with limited mobility participate?

Visitors with limited mobility can access our studios and grounds.

Please briefly describe the facilities and areas of the campus that are NOT accessible.

Parts of our house are accessed by stairs only and are not accessible. Living space that is currently occupied by our Manager is Accessible. In the future we plan to retrofit this space so as to be ADA compliant for residents with mobility issues.

Type of Housing
Private bedroom in a shared housing facility on campus
Accessible Housing
Partially Accessible (50% or more)
Housing for Companion And/or Caregivers
Housing available
Accessible Communal Spaces
Universally designed
Common/Communal Spaces Information

Our dining and kitchen areas are accessible to some degree but are not fully ADA compliant at this time.

Additional Housing Information
Access to laundry on campus
WIFI available in housing
Housekeeping services
Air Conditioned Housing
Heat and Cool control managed by resident
Meals Provided
Some meals (at least 2 meals provided)
Groceries provided for residents to prepare their own meals
Residents have access to shared kitchen
Additional Meals Information
Vegan meal options can be requested
Vegetarian meal options can be requested
Gluten-free meal options can be requested
Kosher and halal options can be requested
Food allergies and restrictions can be accommodated
Snack and beverage provided
Computer/Internet Access
Wireless Internet (WIFI)
Studios/Facilities Details

Each resident has a large private studio. Each space is unique, but both have ample natural and electric lighting, studio furniture (work tables, rolling carts, seating), and workspace on two levels. Artists share one slop sink. There is also access to a projector and pull down screen for viewing.

Studios/Special Equipment
Private Studios
Printers + Scanner
Painting Workspace (Oil)
Drawing Benches
Studios/Facilities Accessibility
Partially Accessible (50% or more)
Studio Support/Tech
Studio/facility orientation provided
Studio support provided by staff
Air Conditioned
Heat and Cool control access
Additional Studio Information


Rising: Climate in Crisis Residencies

A Studio in the Woods is situated in 7.66 acres of bottomland hardwood forest.

A Studio in the Woods is situated in 7.66 acres of bottomland hardwood forest.

Rising: Climate in Crisis Residencies

New Orleans, LA, United States

Rising: Climate in Crisis Residencies at A Studio in the Woods invite artists to face the severity of the climate crisis and be agents of change to guide our collective understanding, response, and vision as we shape our shared future. New Orleans and the inhabitants of our region are frequently invoked as some of the most vulnerable to the effects of environmental degradation. While sea levels, temperatures and emotions are rising, our highly manipulated landscape can be seen as a microcosm of the global environment, manifesting both the reckoning and hope which are required in the ways humans interact with shifting urban and natural ecosystems. As the climate crisis permeates the collective understanding of the future, the challenges faced by Southern Louisiana resonate exponentially. We look to artists to ignite our imaginations, illuminate our challenges, and offer new ways to examine the world. Selected artist are provided with a $3000 stipend, $2000 materials budget, grocery reimbursement, 6 weeks of residency, and staff support.

The application is released annually in December with a March/April deadeline.


13401 Patterson Rd.
New Orleans, LA 70131
United States

Year Founded
Residency Structure
Residency program within a school, college or university
Residency Program Type
Studio-based (with housing)
Residency Length
6 weeks - 6 weeks
Average Number of Artists in Residence at a Time
Collaborative Residency
May apply as a team
Interdisciplinary Arts
Mixed Media
Visual Arts
Book Arts
Ceramics/Clay Arts/Pottery
Costume/Fashion Design
Digital Fabrication
Installation Arts
Paper Arts
Textile & Fiber Arts/Weaving
Literary Nonfiction
New Genres
Performance Art
Augmented Reality
Digital Media
Electronic Arts
Moving Image
Multimedia Arts
Sound Art
TV + Radio
Virtual Reality
Graphic Design
Environmental Arts
Landscape Architecture
Public Art
Social Practice
Urban Planning/Design
Pets are not allowed
Country of Residence
Open to artists based anywhere in the world
Family Friendly
Stage of Career
Any stage of career
Additional Expectations/Opportunities
Participate in public programming
Give artist talk or presentation
How does your residency program support artists?
Opportunity to be in another context
Immersion in new culture and/context
Unstructured time
Unrestricted funding
Restricted funding
Research support
Access to studio space to create new work
Inspiration from natural environment
Inspiration from cultural context
Opportunities to develop relationships with local or regional artists/arts organizations
Opportunities to collaborate with local or regional artists/arts organizations
Opportunities to collaborate with other artists/residents
Opportunities to develop relationships with other artists/residents
Opportunities for work with the local community
Opportunities to exhibit or perform new work
Additional Eligibility Information

Students are not eligible

Number of Artists Accepted in Most Current Year
Total Applicant Pool in Most Current Year
Artist Stipend
US Dollar (USD)
Travel Stipend/Material Stipends
US Dollar (USD)
Residency Fees
US Dollar (USD)
Grant/Scholarship/Other Funding Support
Application Fee
US Dollar (USD)
Application Type
Open application
What does your program provide during the residency experience?
Manual / handbook before arrival
Communication before arrival to discuss accommodations, medical conditions, or other health needs
Orientation upon arrival
Contact info for accessibility requests for event/programming
Is your campus wheelchair accessible?
Partially Accessible
Additional Accessibility Information

We are committed to accessibility and have hosted both program attendees and artist residents with disabilities and have made the necessary modifications to our existing facilities to accommodate them. Please contact us at or 504 392-4460 if you have questions about accessibility.

Accessibility Contact Name
Cammie Hill-Prewitt
Accessibility Contact Email
Accessibility Contact Phone Number
Type of Housing
Private bedroom in a shared housing facility on campus
Accessible Housing
Partially Accessible (50% or more)
Housing for Companion And/or Caregivers
Case by case consideration
Accessible Communal Spaces
Additional Housing Information
Access to laundry on campus
WIFI available in housing
Housekeeping services
Air Conditioned Housing
Heat and Cool control managed by resident
Meals Provided
Residents have access to shared kitchen
Food stipend provided
Computer/Internet Access
Wireless Internet (WIFI)
Studios/Facilities Details

There are multiple workspaces and staff will assess the needs of each resident to assign a studio before their arrival. There is a Yamaha keyboard as well as a number of basic tools available. Any additional equipment needed is the sole responsibility of the artist although the supply stipend may be applied to the purchase of needed materials. There is a meadow, pond, and wooded land on the campus available for temporary outdoor installations, performances, or workspace. Nearby there are also many miles of land on the Mississippi River levee and batture.

Studios/Special Equipment
Private Studios
Woodworking Tools
Studios/Facilities Accessibility
Partially Accessible (50% or more)
Studio Support/Tech
Studio/facility orientation provided
Studio support provided by staff
Air Conditioned
Heat and Cool control access

Anita Wetzel Residency Grant

Anita Wetzel Residency Grant

Kingston, NY, United States

Anita Lynn Wetzel was the founding spirit of Women’s Studio Workshop. In her life and in her art she epitomized generosity and grace. Anita was a true humanist, in one with nature. In honor of Anita’s legacy, her friends and WSW are establishing the Anita Wetzel Residency Grant at Women’s Studio Workshop. The Anita Wetzel Residency Grant is a new opportunity focused on mature artists (45 years old and up) to create new work and fully immerse themselves in WSW’s supportive environment. This residency gives artists the gift of time, 4-6 weeks, to live and work away from the stresses of daily life. Artists may choose to work in any one or more of our studios: intaglio, letterpress, papermaking, screen printing, darkroom photography, or ceramics. This residency is fully subsidized. WSW provides housing and studio space at no cost. Additionally, the selected artist will receive a stipend of $350/week, up to $500 for materials used during the residency, and up to $250 toward travel within the Continental US. Artists receive a thorough studio orientation and are expected to work independently, although studio staff is available to provide assistance. Deep technical assistance can be arranged for an additional fee. The artist is responsible for any other expenses such as meals and incidentals while in residence.


Application Opens: November 20, 2024

Deadline: January 15, 2025

Residency length: 4-6 weeks


PO Box 489
Rosendale, NY 12472
United States

Year Founded
Residency Structure
Embedded in an arts or cultural organization (including theater + gallery)
Embedded in historic site
Residency Program Type
Studio-based (with housing)
Residency Length
4 weeks - 6 weeks
Average Number of Artists in Residence at a Time
Collaborative Residency
May apply as a team
Book Arts
Interdisciplinary Arts
Multimedia Arts
Paper Arts
Visual Arts
Pets are not allowed
Country of Residence
Open to artists based anywhere in the world
Family Friendly
Stage of Career
Any stage of career
Additional Expectations/Opportunities
Give artist talk or presentation
How does your residency program support artists?
Opportunity to be in another context
Unstructured time
Restricted funding
Access to studio space to create new work
Access to equipment, specialized facilities and/or technical support
Opportunities to collaborate with other artists/residents
Opportunities to develop relationships with other artists/residents
Additional Eligibility Information

Since our founding in 1974, Women’s Studio Workshop has been a professional artist studio dedicated to the creation of community, opportunity, empowerment, and development for women artists in all stages of their careers.  As we continue to serve this mission, we believe that we can honor our core values and address gender equity more fully by explicitly expanding our concept of gender beyond patriarchal frames of reference. 

WSW supports all women and trans, intersex, nonbinary and genderfluid people in residencies and internships. Classes, studio rentals, and public events are open to all.

What does this mean when you visit the studio and stay on campus? 

  • we intentionally create space to honor pronouns and names
  • we uphold a set of community guidelines and have systems in place to report conflict
  • we firmly believe in fostering an environment of communication, exploration, and bold expression that is respectful, safe, and accepting of all the members of our community.
Number of Artists Accepted in Most Current Year
Artist Stipend
US Dollar (USD)
Travel Stipend/Material Stipends
US Dollar (USD)
Residency Fees
US Dollar (USD)
Grant/Scholarship/Other Funding Support
US Dollar (USD)
Application Fee
US Dollar (USD)
Application Type
Open application
What does your program provide during the residency experience?
Manual / handbook before arrival
Communication before arrival to discuss accommodations, medical conditions, or other health needs
Orientation upon arrival
Contact information and available accommodations for programs, events, and campus
Full description of accessibility on campus
Staff/volunteer providing guidance to help locate facilities or activities
Contact info for accessibility requests for event/programming
Is your campus wheelchair accessible?
Partially Accessible
Case by case consideration by staff
Accessibility Contact Name
Carlie Waganer
Accessibility Contact Email
Accessibility Contact Phone Number
How much of the residency experience can artists with limited mobility participate?

Intaglio, papermaking, book arts, and letterpress studios are wheelchair accessible.

Please briefly describe the facilities and areas of the campus that are NOT accessible.

Some artist apartments are inaccessible, upstairs silkscreen studio and offices are inaccessible.

Type of Housing
Private housing on campus (individual apartment/cabin/house)
Accessible Housing
Partially Accessible (50% or more)
Housing for Companion And/or Caregivers
Case by case consideration
Accessible Communal Spaces
ADA Compliant
Common/Communal Spaces Information

Wheelchair accessible common room, kitchen, bathroom, and laundry spaces.

Additional Housing Information
Access to laundry on campus
Meals Provided
Residents have access to shared kitchen
Residents have access to private kitchen
Additional Meals Information
Computer/Internet Access
Wireless Internet (WIFI)
Studios/Facilities Details

WSW has been making quality handmade papers since 1979. Our Papermaking studio is designed for sheet-forming processes, low relief, and three-dimensional work.

In 1999, WSW began the ArtFarm program, which allows us to grow our own fibers  for hand papermaking. Through ArtFarm we’ve now tested over one hundred native and invasive species for their fiber strength, coloring capacity, print worthiness, and translucency.

Papermaking Studio Equipment List

  • 1000 sq. ft. studio space
  • Two 1-1/2 lb. Hollander beaters: one David Reina and one custom built
  • 30″ x 40″ hydraulic press
  • Vats up to 22″x 28″
  • 4′ x 6′ custom stainless steel vacuum table
  • A variety of moulds and deckles including small sugetas
  • 30″ x 40″ stack dryer
  • Outdoor cooking facility for fibers and dyes

In WSW’s Silkscreen studio, artists can screenprint on paper or fabric, using traditional or photo techniques. We only use water based/acrylic media. For a fee, we can also make screens for artists who are working on projects outside of our studios.

Silkscreen Studio Equipment List

  • 900 sq. ft. studio space
  • Exposing table 33″ x 45″
  • Drying rack 45″ x 68″
  • Wide range of screens up to 3′ x 4′
  • Power washer
  • Photo facilities for images up to 30″ x 40″
  • 32 linear feet of textile printing surface
  • Squeegees from 4″ to 34″

WSW’s Letterpress studio is equipped to handle projects that employ handset lead or wood type; photopolymer plates; wood or linoleum block; and die cut imagery.

Letterpress Studio Equipment List

  • 11″ x 18″ Chandler and Price platen press
  • Two 14″ x 18″ Vandercook Proof press No. 3 (manual)
  • One 19″ x 26″ Vandercook SP20 (electric)
  • A variety of lead and wooden typefaces
  • 9″ x 12″ magnetic base
  • 13″ x 24″ Line-O-Scribe proof press
  • Vacuum platemaker 23.5″ x 29.5″

Rather than use traditional acids to etch plates, Women’s Studio Workshop uses non-toxic materials: ferric chloride for copper and salt etch for aluminum and zinc. We generally stock copper and plastic plates, along with a selection of fine print and handmade papers.

Etching Studio Equipment List

  • 1200 sq. ft. studio space
  • Two Charles Brand press, 30″ x 50″ and 26″ x 48″
  • 18″ x 22″ viscosity rollers
  • A separate ventilated acid room with a 4’ x 29” workspace and stainless steel sink
  • Hot plate 20”x 24”
  • Flexible shaft rotary tool
  • 18″ x 24″ vertical tank with Ferric Chloride
  • Etching trays up to 25″ x 30″
  • Drying rack 30″ x 46″
  • Damp/dry box 28″ x 42″
  • Glass top inking table 26″ x 8′
  • Photopolymer platemaking capacity up to 23″ x 29″

WSW’s Book Arts equipment allow artists to create and bind work, ranging from the simplest saddle-stitched book to the finest codex.

Book Arts Studio Equipment List

  • Electric guillotine 33″ throat
  • Board shear (Jacques) 40″
  • Two book presses: 10″ x 13″ and 11″ x 16″
  • English sewing frame
  • English cutting frame
  • Standard wooden press
  • Cradles
  • Spiral binder
  • Saddle stitcher

WSW maintains a complete black and white darkroom, as well as limited digital facilities that may be used by special request. Artists can comfortably print up to 16”x 20” in this space.

Darkroom Studio Equipment List

  • Two Omega D2 enlargers with 35mm to 4″ x 5″ negative capacity
  • Omega B22XL enlarger
  • Bessler 4″ x 5″
  • Dry mount facilities
  • Contact frames up to 20″ x 25″
  • Saunders easels 11″ x 14″ and 24″ x 24″
  • Focus scopes
  • 100″ sink
  • Trays to 20″ x 24″

Artists working in any of our studios have access to the digital resources in our studio with assistance from a trained staff person. Additional resources are available through our relationship with the SUNY New Paltz Digital Fabrication Lab, and can be arranged on a case-by-case basis.

In-Studio Digital Resources List

  • 28″ Vinyl Plotter and Editing Software
  • 24″ Epson Printer
  • Large format scanner
  • HP Color Laser Printer
  • Kyocera Black and White Inkjet Printer
  • Xerox Machine
  • Adobe Creative Suite
Studios/Special Equipment
Shared Studios
Exhibition / Installation Space
Darkroom (Black And White)
Darkroom (Color)
Large Format Printer / Plotter
Large Format Scanner
Printers + Scanner
Photo + Video Editing Suite
Printmaking Workspaces
Book Arts Facilities
Etching Press
Glass Inking Table
Drying Racks
Hot Plates
Paper Soaking Sinks
Paper Tearing Table
Acid Room
Silkscreen Studio
Light Tables
Large Sinks
Large Exposure Unit
Washout Room
Papermaking Studio
Dye Area
Studios/Facilities Accessibility
Partially Accessible (50% or more)
Studio Support/Tech
Studio/facility orientation provided
Studio support provided by staff
Studios/facilities Details

Studio Residency Grant

Studio Residency Grant

Kingston, NY, United States

The Studio Grant is a six- to eight-week residency for artists to create new work in any of our studio disciplines: intaglio, letterpress, papermaking, screenprinting, photography, or ceramics. WSW invites applications from artists at any stage in their careers.

This grant includes a stipend of $350/week, up to $500 for materials used during the residency, up to $250 for travel within the Continental US, free onsite housing, and 24/7 studio access. WSW can also provide technical advice and production assistance.

This residency has a two-step jury process: a rotating, impartial jury selects the finalists and then WSW applies for NEA funding for the chosen projects.



PO Box 489
Rosendale, NY 12472
United States

Year Founded
Residency Structure
Embedded in an arts or cultural organization (including theater + gallery)
Embedded in historic site
Residency Program Type
Studio-based (with housing)
Residency Length
6 weeks - 8 weeks
Average Number of Artists in Residence at a Time
Collaborative Residency
May apply as a team
Book Arts
Interdisciplinary Arts
Multimedia Arts
Paper Arts
Visual Arts
Pets are not allowed
Country of Residence
Open to artists based anywhere in the world
Family Friendly
Stage of Career
Any stage of career
Additional Expectations/Opportunities
Give artist talk or presentation
How does your residency program support artists?
Opportunity to be in another context
Unstructured time
Restricted funding
Access to studio space to create new work
Access to equipment, specialized facilities and/or technical support
Opportunities to collaborate with other artists/residents
Opportunities to develop relationships with other artists/residents
Additional Eligibility Information

Since our founding in 1974, Women’s Studio Workshop has been a professional artist studio dedicated to the creation of community, opportunity, empowerment, and development for women artists in all stages of their careers.  As we continue to serve this mission, we believe that we can honor our core values and address gender equity more fully by explicitly expanding our concept of gender beyond patriarchal frames of reference. 

WSW supports all women and trans, intersex, nonbinary and genderfluid people in residencies and internships. Classes, studio rentals, and public events are open to all.

What does this mean when you visit the studio and stay on campus? 

  • we intentionally create space to honor pronouns and names
  • we uphold a set of community guidelines and have systems in place to report conflict
  • we firmly believe in fostering an environment of communication, exploration, and bold expression that is respectful, safe, and accepting of all the members of our community.
Number of Artists Accepted in Most Current Year
Total Applicant Pool in Most Current Year
Artist Stipend
US Dollar (USD)
Travel Stipend/Material Stipends
US Dollar (USD)
Residency Fees
US Dollar (USD)
Grant/Scholarship/Other Funding Support
US Dollar (USD)
Application Fee
US Dollar (USD)
Application Type
Open application
What does your program provide during the residency experience?
Manual / handbook before arrival
Communication before arrival to discuss accommodations, medical conditions, or other health needs
Orientation upon arrival
Contact information and available accommodations for programs, events, and campus
Full description of accessibility on campus
Staff/volunteer providing guidance to help locate facilities or activities
Contact info for accessibility requests for event/programming
Is your campus wheelchair accessible?
Partially Accessible
Case by case consideration by staff
Accessibility Contact Name
Carlie Waganer
Accessibility Contact Email
Accessibility Contact Phone Number
How much of the residency experience can artists with limited mobility participate?

Intaglio, papermaking, book arts, and letterpress studios are wheelchair accessible.

Please briefly describe the facilities and areas of the campus that are NOT accessible.

Some artist apartments are inaccessible, upstairs silkscreen studio and offices are inaccessible.

Type of Housing
Private housing on campus (individual apartment/cabin/house)
Accessible Housing
Partially Accessible (50% or more)
Housing for Companion And/or Caregivers
Case by case consideration
Accessible Communal Spaces
ADA Compliant
Common/Communal Spaces Information

Wheelchair accessible common room, kitchen, bathroom, and laundry spaces.

Additional Housing Information
Access to laundry on campus
Meals Provided
Residents have access to shared kitchen
Residents have access to private kitchen
Additional Meals Information
Computer/Internet Access
Wireless Internet (WIFI)
Studios/Facilities Details

WSW has been making quality handmade papers since 1979. Our Papermaking studio is designed for sheet-forming processes, low relief, and three-dimensional work.

In 1999, WSW began the ArtFarm program, which allows us to grow our own fibers  for hand papermaking. Through ArtFarm we’ve now tested over one hundred native and invasive species for their fiber strength, coloring capacity, print worthiness, and translucency.

Papermaking Studio Equipment List

  • 1000 sq. ft. studio space
  • Two 1-1/2 lb. Hollander beaters: one David Reina and one custom built
  • 30″ x 40″ hydraulic press
  • Vats up to 22″x 28″
  • 4′ x 6′ custom stainless steel vacuum table
  • A variety of moulds and deckles including small sugetas
  • 30″ x 40″ stack dryer
  • Outdoor cooking facility for fibers and dyes

In WSW’s Silkscreen studio, artists can screenprint on paper or fabric, using traditional or photo techniques. We only use water based/acrylic media. For a fee, we can also make screens for artists who are working on projects outside of our studios.

Silkscreen Studio Equipment List

  • 900 sq. ft. studio space
  • Exposing table 33″ x 45″
  • Drying rack 45″ x 68″
  • Wide range of screens up to 3′ x 4′
  • Power washer
  • Photo facilities for images up to 30″ x 40″
  • 32 linear feet of textile printing surface
  • Squeegees from 4″ to 34″

WSW’s Letterpress studio is equipped to handle projects that employ handset lead or wood type; photopolymer plates; wood or linoleum block; and die cut imagery.

Letterpress Studio Equipment List

  • 11″ x 18″ Chandler and Price platen press
  • Two 14″ x 18″ Vandercook Proof press No. 3 (manual)
  • One 19″ x 26″ Vandercook SP20 (electric)
  • A variety of lead and wooden typefaces
  • 9″ x 12″ magnetic base
  • 13″ x 24″ Line-O-Scribe proof press
  • Vacuum platemaker 23.5″ x 29.5″

Rather than use traditional acids to etch plates, Women’s Studio Workshop uses non-toxic materials: ferric chloride for copper and salt etch for aluminum and zinc. We generally stock copper and plastic plates, along with a selection of fine print and handmade papers.

Etching Studio Equipment List

  • 1200 sq. ft. studio space
  • Two Charles Brand press, 30″ x 50″ and 26″ x 48″
  • 18″ x 22″ viscosity rollers
  • A separate ventilated acid room with a 4’ x 29” workspace and stainless steel sink
  • Hot plate 20”x 24”
  • Flexible shaft rotary tool
  • 18″ x 24″ vertical tank with Ferric Chloride
  • Etching trays up to 25″ x 30″
  • Drying rack 30″ x 46″
  • Damp/dry box 28″ x 42″
  • Glass top inking table 26″ x 8′
  • Photopolymer platemaking capacity up to 23″ x 29″

WSW’s Book Arts equipment allow artists to create and bind work, ranging from the simplest saddle-stitched book to the finest codex.

Book Arts Studio Equipment List

  • Electric guillotine 33″ throat
  • Board shear (Jacques) 40″
  • Two book presses: 10″ x 13″ and 11″ x 16″
  • English sewing frame
  • English cutting frame
  • Standard wooden press
  • Cradles
  • Spiral binder
  • Saddle stitcher

WSW maintains a complete black and white darkroom, as well as limited digital facilities that may be used by special request. Artists can comfortably print up to 16”x 20” in this space.

Darkroom Studio Equipment List

  • Two Omega D2 enlargers with 35mm to 4″ x 5″ negative capacity
  • Omega B22XL enlarger
  • Bessler 4″ x 5″
  • Dry mount facilities
  • Contact frames up to 20″ x 25″
  • Saunders easels 11″ x 14″ and 24″ x 24″
  • Focus scopes
  • 100″ sink
  • Trays to 20″ x 24″

Artists working in any of our studios have access to the digital resources in our studio with assistance from a trained staff person. Additional resources are available through our relationship with the SUNY New Paltz Digital Fabrication Lab, and can be arranged on a case-by-case basis.

In-Studio Digital Resources List

  • 28″ Vinyl Plotter and Editing Software
  • 24″ Epson Printer
  • Large format scanner
  • HP Color Laser Printer
  • Kyocera Black and White Inkjet Printer
  • Xerox Machine
  • Adobe Creative Suite
Studios/Special Equipment
Shared Studios
Exhibition / Installation Space
Darkroom (Black And White)
Darkroom (Color)
Large Format Printer / Plotter
Large Format Scanner
Printers + Scanner
Photo + Video Editing Suite
Printmaking Workspaces
Book Arts Facilities
Etching Press
Glass Inking Table
Drying Racks
Hot Plates
Paper Soaking Sinks
Paper Tearing Table
Acid Room
Silkscreen Studio
Light Tables
Large Sinks
Large Exposure Unit
Washout Room
Papermaking Studio
Dye Area
Studios/Facilities Accessibility
Partially Accessible (50% or more)
Studio Support/Tech
Studio/facility orientation provided
Studio support provided by staff
Studios/facilities Details