Executuve Director

The Woodstock Byrdcliffe Guild provides a vibrant center for arts and crafts in the beautiful and unique rural community of Woodstock, NY, while preserving the historic and natural environment of one of the earliest utopian arts colonies in America. It offers a unique and inspiring combination of residency, exhibition, and performance programs that encourage creative collaboration among a diverse array of artists, students, arts professionals, and the public.

Contact Name
Dan Keegan
Contact Email Address
Type of Employment
Full time
Type of Role
Salary Level or Range
$100,000 plus housing or housing stipend
This is a remote position

Wesport, NY
United States

How to Apply

To apply, submit a cover letter, résumé/CV, and names of 3 references with their contact information and your professional relationship to them, by April 14, 2025 to: Dan Keegan, Senior Search Consultant, Museum Leadership Placement, dankeegan@museumleaders.com. References will not be contacted without prior permission of the applicant.

Application Closing Date
Description and Qualifications

The Woodstock Byrdcliffe Guild (Byrdcliffe) seeks an innovator, entrepreneur and community networker to lead the oldest arts colony in America. The Executive Director will be an experienced leader to work with dedicated staff and board to prepare the organization for its next chapter and continue its work supporting artists of all disciplines through artists in residency, performance, and exhibition programs. Byrdcliffe brings to life a sense of place, time and purpose to ignite potential and inspire residency artists, writers, performers and musicians. Byrdcliffe fosters the exchange of ideas, self-reflection and expression in a beautiful setting of cottages and facilities on 300 acres in Woodstock, NY. It’s outstanding history includes many artists who have gone on to become world famous in their fields, and several thousands more have benefited from this historic residency program. Woodstock, NY is one of the legendary arts communities in America with a long history of being a retreat as well as a creative catalyst for those who come to be inspired, launch new work, and feel at home in a beautiful Catskill setting. 

Byrdcliffe has an annual budget of $750,000 with 6 full-time staff and a board of 16 trustees. While Byrdcliffe has survived for 120+ years, the Board of Directors desires it to thrive for the next generations of artists by reestablishing its place as one of the most important arts residency programs in America. To accomplish this it must be led by an Executive Director capable of managing the reset, visioning, development and growth of Byrdcliffe. 

It is within this context that the board seeks a leader with an eye on the details as well as the big picture; relational rather than transactional; and dedicated to the value the arts provide society. The next Executive Director will therefore be committed to building Byrdcliffe’s reputation nationally and internationally growing visibility, relevance and support. The position requires leadership and management skills, fundraising, grant writing, passion along with excellent communications skills. The Board of Directors and Staff stand ready to provide support and the runway necessary to work collaboratively developing the plan, executing it and inspiring support to ensure Byrdcliffe thrives. The next Executive Director will capitalize on Byrdcliffe’s storied history while strengthening its artist residency program for the 21st Century. 


Principal Duties and Responsibilities

The Executive Director is responsible for the overall administration and management of Byrdcliffe including fundraising, programs, residencies, revenues and business operations. Creative and entrepreneurial, visionary and open-minded, inspiring and approachable, communicator and convener, civic-minded and community-centric are qualities that reflect the desired type of leadership. The Executive Director will build support, strengthen Byrdcliffe’s brand, and enhance its impact and relevance in the region, nationally and even internationally. The Executive Director will be a passionate spokesperson and relationship builder, a servant leader and become active in the Woodstock community and region. The following areas are especially important:

Preparing for the  future is essential. Working with the staff, board, and community, the Executive Director will develop a shared vision for the future of Byrdcliffe. Building understanding and buy-in and establishing appropriate goals and strategies to advance the mission is critical.
•    Develop and facilitate a collaborative and active strategic planning process.
•    Set organizational goals and objectives consistent with the mission and vision.
•    Engage the community of stakeholders to assess the programs, facilities, residencies, collections and financial performance of the organization.
•    Take a broader leadership role and be knowledgeable about trends in the artist residency industry, networking and collaborating nationally to inform strategic decisions.

The Executive Director is responsible for leading the fundraising effort along with support of staff and board to meet its financial goals and carry out its programs and operations. Networking, relationship building and presence in the community are essential to raising that support.
•    Lead the fundraising effort as the chief “friendraiser,” communicator and networker of Byrdcliffe.
•    Work with the staff and board to develop an annual fundraising plan with stretch goals and realistic tactics for success.
•    Collaborate with staff, board and others to cultivate relationships and raise friends and funds in the community, region and nationally.
•    Implement a major gifts and planned giving program to grow the endowment and improve sustainability  over time.
•    Network with civic leaders, supporters and major funders advocating for Byrdcliffe, its mission and its impact in the region.
•    Oversee, write and submit grant applications and funding proposals as appropriate.

The Executive Director has overall responsibility for the day-to-day operations and works with staff to develop, maintain and use systems and resources responsibly to facilitate the effective management and operation of Byrdcliffe.
•    Develop, review and administer operational policies.
•    Oversee all programs, services and activities to ensure that objectives are met.
•    Oversee business development to enhance earned revenue.
•    Provide accurate, relevant information to the board for evaluation of the organization's performance and impact.
•    Review, develop and administer board-approved personnel policies.
•    Provide for adequate supervision and evaluation of all staff and volunteers.
•    Ensure proper hiring and termination procedures.

Board Relations
Together, the Executive Director and Board of Directors  form the leadership team of Byrdcliffe. Each arm of the team draws upon its own unique strengths and abilities. The Executive Director and Board have joint responsibility  for developing and maintaining a strong working relationship and a system for sharing information that enables the board to effectively carry out its governance role and for the Executive Director to manage the organization.
•    Work collaboratively with the board chair in planning the agenda and materials for board meetings.
•    Initiate and assist in developing policy recommendations and setting priorities.
•    Facilitate the identification, orientation and development of new board members.
•    Staff board committees as appropriate.
•    Take a leadership role in working with the Board and Staff on the strategic direction of Byrdcliffe.
•    Manage up to the Board taking the lead in communication, transparency, planning and execution while utilizing the Board as a resource for advice, guidance and support.

Communications & Public Relations
The Executive Director serves as the primary spokesperson and public  face for Byrdcliffe. This role has three major components: effectively promoting the organization, advocating for the mission and work of the organization, and building relationships with constituents critical to the success and support of the organization.
•    As the face of Byrdcliffe in the local, regional and national community, engage, interact, and represent Byrdcliffe to diverse stakeholder groups.
•    Maintain and enhance ongoing relations with donors, sponsors, foundations and relevant  non-profits in the region and nationally.
•    Ensure appropriate representation of Byrdcliffe by all employees and board members as ambassadors to the community.

Financial Management
The Executive Director’s role is to ensure sound fiscal performance and oversight, accurate and transparent reporting and accounting systems, and that appropriate financial controls and risk-management strategies protect the organization's assets.
•    Develop, recommend, and monitor annual and other budgets with adequate input from staff and board.
•    Ensure best practice nonprofit accrual accounting for restricted funds.
•    Ensure effective communication to staff and board about financial performance and projections. 
•    Approve expenditures, adjust budgets appropriately and monitor performance on a regular basis.
•    Ensure accurate record-keeping and reporting staff and board.
•    Submit monthly financial statements to the board of trustees.


Desired Qualifications and Past Experience

The Board realizes that qualifications are met through combinations of formal training, on-the-job and real-life experiences, which vary individually. Experience other than working in artist residencies or nonprofits may be relevant to this position and will be considered. In general, these are the desired qualifications:
•    College degree in an appropriate field relevant to the requirements and responsibilities or equivalent experience.
•    Five years in senior leadership role with relevant responsibilities.
•    Direct accountability for an organization of similar size or complexity.
•    Financial acumen and ability to make financial decisions with the resources and data available. 
•    Strong organizational and leadership abilities; entrepreneurial, creative but realistic.
•    Fundraising experience including grant writing, donor relations, sponsorships and planning.
•    Demonstrated speaking and presentation skills, ability to promote and communicate effectively in written and verbal forms
•    Experience working with teams developing and supporting programs.
•    Community involvement, networking, engagement and presence.
•    Non-profit leadership experience or service on non-profit boards.