Home Based Program
The Home Based Program residency invites artists to work on their research and artistic production projects in the studios of Casa R.A.R.O. throughout the course of the entire residency. With this, residents will be able to focus completely on the development of their projects, with the conceptual and technical follow-up of the R.A.R.O team, and sharing space with local artists who are permanent residents at Casa R.A.R.O.
REMEMBER: Home Based Program = The complete residence at Casa R.A.R.O
Duration of residency
From 3 weeks to 2 months
Residency Eligibility
Residency Experience Summary
Application Information
More information and application process in the following link: www.esrarobarcelona.com/how-to-apply-barcelona
A basic 4 week residency is 700€
For other time options and prices, please visit us at: www.esrarobarcelona.com/how-to-apply-barcelona