Founded in 1996, the Center for Craft is a national 501(c)3 nonprofit organization whose mission is to resource, catalyze, and amplify how and why craft matters. We increase access to craft by empowering and resourcing artists, researchers, organizations, and communities through grants, fellowships, and programs that bring people together. Our public galleries educate our audiences about the materials, processes, skills, and research that define craft. The Center is widely acknowledged as one of the most influential organizations working on behalf of craft in the United States.
Ashville, NC
United States
Applications now available in SlideRoom - follow the URL below.
If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact
Thirty mid-career craft artists who teach will receive $10,000 grants and join a 6-month cohort experience that supports their artistic and teaching career development with programs, mentorship, and peer-to-peer learning.
Applications are welcome from craft artists whose practice includes working as teaching artists in the schools or community, non-tenured or non-academic educators, adjunct instructors, visiting artists, museum educators, and community and workshop instructors.