Stay up-to-date on the latest news in the artist residency field.

Artist Communities Alliance (ACA) News provides information about happenings at our organization and throughout the artist residency field. This includes announcements about upcoming ACA events, Advocacy Alerts that spotlight policy issues, funding opportunities for artists and arts organizations, and press releases.

In addition to this News page, ACA regularly sends newsletters that feature important news and happenings that are relevant to artists, artist residency staff and other arts administrators.

ACA Welcomes Mary-Kim Arnold

January 27, 2025
A graphic that reads "Welcome to ACA, Mary-Kim!" and has a photo of Mary-Kim Arnold
A resident of Pawtucket, Rhode Island, Mary-Kim is a writer and artist with an active practice and more than two decades of administrative leadership experience in the arts, humanities, and education.

ACA Welcomes Three New Board Members

February 6, 2024
A graphic featuring two men and a black woman, words say Welcome to ACA's new board members
The new members of ACA's Board of Trustees were selected for their demonstrated commitment to serving artists and advancing the role artists and creativity play in society.

AAC Awarded $720,000 from the McKnight Foundation

October 14, 2020
person sitting on mountain top
AAC consortium programs are long-term regranting partnerships with funders that provide direct support to artists to attend residencies and for residency programs to host artists. These programs often offer pathways for artists that have been historically underrepresented in the residency field. The McKnight Foundation has awarded us $720,00 to design and implement a new consortium program focused on building equitable capacity.

FIELD PRACTICE | MacDowell Removes "Colony" from Name

July 22, 2020
Colorful MacDowell Logo
MacDowell Colony announced the organization will now officially be known as MacDowell. We spoke with the executive director Philip Himberg about the staff petition that set their name change in motion and laying the groundwork for this shift at the 113-year-old institution.

2019 Diversity + Leadership Fellows Announced

September 19, 2019
2019 Diversity + Leadership Fellows Image
The Alliance of Artists Communities is thrilled to announce the recipients of the third annual Diversity and Leadership Fellowship. Funded by The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, the Fellowship is a full-year program aimed at celebrating and supporting the careers of emerging residency leaders of color and emerging residency leaders with disabilities.