Pew Fellowship Residencies at the Headlands Center for the Arts, Art Omi, and Montalvo Arts Center

Pew Fellows apply July 9 - August 12, 2024 through Artist Communities Alliance using the application instructions below. One Pew Fellow will be awarded a residency at each site for the 2024 calendar year.

Applications will open on July 9, 2024.


  • Artists who were awarded Pew Fellowships in 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, or 2022 are eligible to apply in 2024 for 2025 residencies at all three residency sites.
  • Artists who have already received two Pew Residency Fellowships are not eligible to apply in 2024.


If accepted, artists will receive one of the following, according to the residency site: 

  • A residency of four weeks at Headlands Center for the Arts in 2025
  • A stipend of $2,500 to spend as needed on meals, materials, or to cover expenses at home such as pet sitting or childcare, and to cover costs of transportation to the residency site
  • A residency of four weeks at Montalvo Arts Center in 2025
  • A stipend of $2,500 to spend as needed on meals, materials, or to cover expenses at home such as pet sitting or childcare, and to cover costs of transportation to the residency site. 
  • A residency of four weeks at Art Omi in 2025
  • A stipend of $2,500 to spend as needed on meals, materials, or to cover expenses at home such as pet sitting or childcare, and to cover costs of transportation to the residency site.

Pew Fellows applying to the Pew Consortium of Artist Residencies will be reviewed by the three participating residency programs. While every attempt will be made to match selected applicants with their first choice site, in some cases artists may be selected by other residencies. 

Stipends will be disbursed by ACA at least one month prior to the start of the residency.

Applications for the Pew Consortium of Artist Residencies will be accepted through Submittable.

Application deadline: August 12, 2024.
Please note, assistance from ACA staff will not be available after 4pm ET on Friday August 9, 2024. It is recommended that you begin your application well in advance of the deadline to ensure completion.

To apply, you will need to do the following:

(1) Determine your site preferences

  • Each residency site offers different facilities, services, and amenities. Read through the descriptions of each site to determine your preferences. If you have questions about specific equipment or other site details, please contact grants [at] 

(2) Optional*: Prepare your work samples and work sample index
*The work samples and narratives from your Pew Fellowship application will be provided to the residencies for review. You have the option of also uploading additional work samples or links to work samples if you wish to show more recent examples of your work. The written portion of the Consortium application is in addition to what you’ve already provided in the Pew narrative. 

WORK SAMPLES: You may submit any combination of the following of recent, relevant work, not to exceed 8 total work samples

  •  Images: up to 8 images (JPG)
  •  Audio: up to 3 audio files (MP3, M4a, WAV)
  •  Video: up to 3 video files (MP4, MOV, AVI, MPG, 3GP, FLV, WEBM, WMV)
  •  Poetry: up to 15 pages (submit in one single PDF)
  •  Other written work: up to 30 pages (PDF)

To include links to video and/or audio files online, include a direct URL to the work sample (not a link to a general website or portfolio) on your "Work Sample Index".

WORK SAMPLE INDEX: In a single PDF file, list each work sample, including title of piece and year. Be sure uploaded file names correspond to titles. As applicable, also list dimensions, materials, performers, etc., and an optional brief description of the work. If the work is the result of a collaboration, indicate your role in its creation.

(3) Complete the online application. You will be asked to provide the following:

  • Your first and second choice of residency sites (you may also indicate "no preference")
  • Your scheduling availability for a residency through 2025 (this is to give the residencies a general idea of your seasonal availability; if you don't know of any scheduling limitations to-date, simply indicate "no preference" or "unknown")
  • A brief statement of interest (300 words or less): Why would you like to participate in a residency at this time? What are you currently working on or might like to work on during a residency?
  • Any special requirements (specific equipment, access to facilities, accessibility, or other needs you might have during a residency) you have during a residency
  • An optional statement about your current work, future plans, new ideas, etc. (150 words or less)

We recommend that you begin the application process in advance of the August 12th deadline so we may assist you if you have difficulties. For technical questions using Submittable, please click on the HELP tab. For other questions about this program, eligibility, and selection, please contact ACA at grants [at]