Kent Cultural Alliance
101 Spring AVenue
Chestertown, MD 21620
United States
The Kent Cultural Alliance (KCA), founded in 1975, is the designated regional arts council for Kent County, Maryland. Kent County is situated on the eastern shore of the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland, on the unceded lands of the Tockwogh and Ozini peoples. Kent is Maryland's smallest and most rural county. In 2018, KCA embarked on a five year endeavor to purchase and renovate the historic Mansfield/Eliasson House (c. 1798) in the heart of downtown Chestertown, to create a new cultural home and a brand new visiting artist residency program. As an arts council, KCA funds artists and arts organizations in Kent County, and creates and supports arts and culture programming across the county and in the public schools.
The SFW Residency at the Kent Cultural Alliance launched in Spring 2024 and has run two full residency sessions with seven visiting artists. The residency is a community engaged, theme based program that connects artists with local businesses and nonprofits to amplify their missions through the arts. The residency sessions are six weeks long and arists live and work in the newly renovated building, The Vincent and Leslie Prince Raimond Cultural Center.