Guidelines for Witt Residency Proposals
The Witt Residency is open to both established and emerging artists/designers. The residency provides students an alternate learning opportunity to engage with practicing artists/designers who can make use of resources across campus, therefore the ideal candidate must value collaboration, have good social and communication skills and be interested in generating creative partnerships across disciplines. It is the goal of the Witt Residency to foster an atmosphere of inventive creative activity that extends throughout the University community.
Witt Residents receive an honorarium of $20,000 for up to twelve weeks in residence served over an academic year. In addition to the honorarium, residents will be provided with housing, studio space, and up to $5,000 funding support for project materials. The School encourages applications from individuals as well as from creative teams however, please be advised that the resources listed above are finite, including the travel budget. If teams apply the expectation is that the award will be shared between its members.
Application Instructions
Applicants to the Witt Residency Program submit application materials and portfolios online through SlideRoom, an online portfolio review system.
Using SlideRoom, applicants will register, then:
- Complete application forms, including resume/CV and references.
- Upload media — this may include video, audio, and pdf files.
- Submit the processing fee
The SlideRoom application offers complete instructions for submitting work. Technical assistance is available at
SlideRoom requires a nominal $15 application fee to offset the cost of media uploads and storage at the time of submission. The fee is paid by the applicant using a secure system via SlideRoom online as the final step in submitting the application. All funds go directly to SlideRoom, and not the Witt Residency, the Stamps School of Art & Design, or the University of Michigan.
Application Schedule
- Proposals Due – February 15, 2024
All applications must be submitted by this deadline.
- Selection Committee Review – February/March, 2024
The Stamps Selection Committee reviews materials and selects a shortlist of candidates for further review, and from the shortlist selects a slate of finalists to present their projects and interview.
- Finalist Presentations and Interviews – April/May, 2024
- Notification – June 1, 2024