Stay up-to-date on the latest news in the artist residency field.

Artist Communities Alliance (ACA) News provides information about happenings at our organization and throughout the artist residency field. This includes announcements about upcoming ACA events, Advocacy Alerts that spotlight policy issues, funding opportunities for artists and arts organizations, and press releases.

In addition to this News page, ACA regularly sends newsletters that feature important news and happenings that are relevant to artists, artist residency staff and other arts administrators.

Advocacy Alert

March 27, 2025
Artist Communities Alliance Advocacy Alert icon
NEA Gap deadline extension, rules and processing delays in the visa process, and Protect My Public Media coalition.

FEMA Seeks Feedback from Artists in the Field

May 30, 2024
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After years of collaborative work and preparation, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) launched 2024 as its “Year of Resilience.” This brings good news for artists recovering from natural disasters.

National Endowment for the Arts Awards $27 Million for Arts Projects Nationwide

February 10, 2021
NEA Logo
Organizations in every state in the nation, as well as the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, will receive federal funding for arts projects from the National Endowment for the Arts in this round of fiscal year 2020 funding. Overall, 1,073 grants totaling $27 million were awarded for programs 14 artistic disciplines in communities throughout the United States.

ADVOCACY ALERT | What is in the New Relief Bill?

January 7, 2021
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At the close of the year, U.S. Congress passed $900 billion in Covid economic relief, which includes targeted support for the arts sector - $15 million allocated to support live entertainment, and an additional $280 million in PPP forgivable loans.

COVID-19 Preparedness for Residencies Resources + Approaches

March 23, 2020
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We recognize that residencies operate in communal contexts, and we are considering how COVID-19 affects artist mobility and general program operations. We will continue to connect you with translatable resources to support you in your decision-making processes during this public health crisis.