Stay up-to-date on the latest news in the artist residency field.

Artist Communities Alliance (ACA) News provides information about happenings at our organization and throughout the artist residency field. This includes announcements about upcoming ACA events, Advocacy Alerts that spotlight policy issues, funding opportunities for artists and arts organizations, and press releases.

In addition to this News page, ACA regularly sends newsletters that feature important news and happenings that are relevant to artists, artist residency staff and other arts administrators.

ACA PRESENTS | 2023 Equitable Capacity Workshop Series

March 27, 2023
Photo of a person speaking into a microphone
This year's ECW series focuses on growth + improvement within your organization related to staff + artist wellbeing. We dive into topics surrounding how arts organizations can better support staff members whose communities are systematically excluded from full rights, privileges and opportunities in society, learning how to build mental health resiliency and preparedness into our residency programs and more.

ACA PRESENTS | Performing Arts Residencies

March 21, 2023
This #ResidenciesConnect session will focus on topics unique to programs that support dance, theater and other performing arts practices. ACA is increasing its support for performing arts residencies and finding new resource streams. As we grow this membership area, we want to hear from you about how to best support your needs!

ACA PRESENTS | Summer + Fall 2022 Programs

June 30, 2022

ACA Presents:
Summer + Fall 2022 Programs

For the past two years, Artist Communities Alliance has worked to foster connectivity and knowledge-sharing online. We have developed a robust set of year-round virtual programs including #ResidenciesConnect sessions, field-wide conversations, and the Equitable Capacity Workshop series.


November 4, 2021
We are participating in this year's program to share learnings from the McKnight Artists Residencies consortium - a unique partnership between the McKnight Foundation, 16 artist residency program partner sites and and Mcknight artist fellows.

UP NEXT | Engaging + Selecting Artists and #ResidenciesConnect

August 2, 2021
engaging and selecting artists icon
If your residency program is facing challenges with outreach efforts and application + selection processes, join the Alliance of Artists Communities (AAC) for Engaging + Selecting Artists. This is the next session of Strengthening Your Equitable Capacity, a virtual workshop series designed to support residency practitioners in their efforts to make their residencies places where artists and staff can thrive. 

NEW WORKSHOPS | Strengthening Your Equitable Capacity

May 24, 2021

The Alliance of Artists Communities offers connection, community, and exchange for people working in the residency field and larger arts sector. In lieu of our annual fall conference, we are excited to offer Strengthening Your Equitable Capacity — a new virtual workshop series designed for the leadership, board, and staff of artist residency programs. 

National Endowment for the Arts Rescue Act Funding + Webinar

March 14, 2021
NEA Logo

On March 11, President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan with $135 million allocated for the Arts Endowment. This historic legislation represents a significant commitment to the arts and a recognition of the value of the arts and culture sector to the nation’s economy and recovery.

NEXT UP | Field-wide Conversation: "A Year Later"

March 11, 2021
Field Conversation A Year Later Logo
ACA will be hosting a special field-wide conversation reflecting on a year of unprecedented transition. We have invited leaders across the sector to talk about the decisions and experiences that shaped programs in 2020. What lessons were learned? What new working strategies emerged? How do we map the next steps?

National Endowment for the Arts Awards $27 Million for Arts Projects Nationwide

February 10, 2021
NEA Logo
Organizations in every state in the nation, as well as the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, will receive federal funding for arts projects from the National Endowment for the Arts in this round of fiscal year 2020 funding. Overall, 1,073 grants totaling $27 million were awarded for programs 14 artistic disciplines in communities throughout the United States.

National Endowment for the Arts Announces 2021 Guidelines

December 9, 2020
National Endowment for the Arts Logo

Guidelines and application materials for Grants for Arts Projects funding are now available on the National Endowment for the Arts’ website. Grant applications previously submitted to the Art Works category will now be submitted to the Grants for Arts Projects category. The National Endowment for the Arts supports projects in any part of the nation’s 50 states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories.

#RESIDENCIESCONNECT | A Conversation About Repair

November 9, 2020
A conversation about repair image
This #ResidenciesConnect session launches a series of conversations in response to the central question: What does repair mean in the arts? We would love to have you “in the room” for this dynamic panel — our final #ResidenciesConnect session of 2020!

NEXT UP | Artist Communities + Civic Engagement

October 9, 2020
Residencies Connect Civic Engagement Image
AAC is hosting a #ResidenciesConnect conversation focused around civic engagement, highlighting questions like: What role should artist communities play in getting out the vote and supporting civic engagement? How can we leverage our networks and resources to back artists and organizers effecting change?

Seasonal Residency Programs | #ResidenciesConnect Recap

April 10, 2020
Residencies Connect Group Zoom screen shot
Residency practitioners took part in the discussed the impact and implications of postponement/cancellation on their residency programs in a discussion moderated by Lisa Funderburke Hoffman, Executive Director of the Alliance of Artists Communities, featuring Paul Sacaridiz, the Executive Director of Haystack Mountain School of Crafts.

Prioritizing Staff and Artists Wellbeing | #ResidenciesConnect Recap

April 3, 2020
Photo of Carl Atiya Swanson
Twenty residency practitioners took part in the discussion exploring how organizations can center staff and artists at a moment when the ground is shifting. The conversation was moderated by Lisa Funderburke Hoffman, Executive Director of Alliance of Artists Communities and featured Carl Atiya Swanson, of Springboard for the Arts.